Discussion: Nat Geo Magazine Going For-Profit With Fox Partnership

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I actually still have one their free world maps I had laminated years ago hanging on my bedroom wall for easy reference. This sucks. Iā€™m sure Faux will find a way to fuck that up too.

This is the new map Fox will be sticking in the first issue:

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I think I need better reading glasses, but yeahā€¦I may have a couple of new countries and disputed territories a bit off on my somewhat slightly dated world map, but the one youā€™ve found takes the cake. Itā€™ll be in their next issue Iā€™m sure.

This is sorry news indeed. I must go cancel my NatGeo subscription forthwith. To think that such an excellent and venerable publication should take up with the likes of Rupert Murdoch to become yet another propaganda arm of a megalomaniac.

Childhood education (Sesame Street, Texas textbooks, etc.) and a veritable Berlin Airlift of world knowledge for an otherwise xenophobic and culturally ignorant America (NatGeo) now totally under the sway of the right wing bastards. This on the heels of a highly successful brainwashing campaign by Fox, Limbaugh, and Drudge, enabled directly by rescinding the Fairness Doctrine.

Well, what can one expect when fairness is repealed and money is deemed to be speech? Itā€™s just another milestone on the road paved by the evolution of journalism into an infotainment profit center.

Time for fresh approaches to assure truth survives the assault. I must admit, things are looking bleak.

Hereā€™s a link for a closer view: https://853blog.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/torymap7kx.jpg

Apparently this originally appeared in a Spitting Image satire book published in England.

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Ahā€¦much better. Thanks. Hah. Now thatā€™s funny!

Imagine what Murdoch and the folks over at Faux will do when they get their hands on ā€œScientific Americanā€.

I will now drop my subscription to Nat Geo.

Well, Nat Geo TV is pretty piss-poor TV right now with scintillating shows like: ā€œBorder Securityā€, ā€œInside 9/11ā€, ā€œOsama Risingā€, and ā€œCountdown to Terrorā€.
They already ARE an arm of the FOX News crowd.
Now they have finally assimilated the magazine (which has been running fluff pieces for the Extraction Industries for years now.)
Nat Geo TV is to Environmentalism what The History Channel is to actual History.

Damn! Just last week I was looking at subscribing. No way, now.

I take it we can look forward to lots of science-y articles on the stabilty of global climate and how the design paradigm is overturning evolutionary theory?

Well, OK thenā€¦

Wait to see what actually changes, but yes, it worries me too. Theyā€™ve been pretty no-nonsense about scientific ā€œcontroversiesā€ like evolution and global warming.