Discussion for article #238675
If I were the conspiracy-minded type, I would say they have already discovered life elsewhere and are releasing information in drips and drabs so as not to cause the “widespread panic”. If you look back the last couple of years there are tantalizing hints.
Is that a Koch brothers flag on the surface? If so, it is a doomed planet.
What are those “hints?”
It’s highly unlikely that Kepler discovering an earth-like planet has anything to do with discovering life itself. The technology that Kepler uses to identify planets that are thousands of light-years from our Earth is simply not capable of discerning anything about what’s occurring on that planet’s surface. If our government has evidence that life exists elsewhere, it has acquired it by other means.
Heck, since climate change took hold, even Earth itself is only “earth-like”.
Wonderful. The Kepler project has been an awesome experiment with thousands of candidate planets detected and this announcement is indeed unusual. Wonder what they found, and will continue to find, just in our Milky Way neighborhood? As far as life elsewhere, I’m damn certain of it. The numbers favor the probability. But it’s highly unlikely that Kepler will find it first. More likely we’ll find it much closer to home, like on Mars or Europa.
Oh what pure anti-science rubbish. The idea that you might know something that literally thousands upon thousands of scientists world-wide do not is the height of arrogance and scientific ignorance. Thanks for flaunting yours. Now run along to “Area 51”.
Time to finalize my plans for stealing a space ship and escaping to this promising new world.
One has to wonder how the crazies would fuck with the news: We are not alone. Certainly not with understanding, compassion and love.
Not just the past couple years, but decades. There’s ample evidence right here that something intelligent is going on outside our world, and that there are those here who know more about it and aren’t telling.
But it’s complicated by all the shysters and creeps, and the simple-minded who can’t accept the possibility.
Do you know how easy it is to dupe people into believing in UFO conspiracies? Last night waiting for the ballgame to start I stumbled on a popular cable show about UFOs. They were exploring all the UFO sightings near Warrensburg, MO which is currently a hot bed of UFO sightings. Strange triangular UFOs show up only at night and are often followed by air force fighter jets. Whenever one of the triangular UFOs shows up, commercial traffic in the area disappears. The air force base next to Warrensburg, MO is Whiteman AFB the home of the Stealth Bomber which is triangular shaped and rarely flies during the day time. They are sometimes escorted by fighter jets. The show didn’t mention the obvious. People in the community are watching the mostly secret comings and goings of the world’s most advanced bomber.
10 or 15 years ago I was flipping channels and unknowingly landed on a program called “What If”. I didn’t know what I was watching at the time. The show blended actual news footage, including clips of addresses by Presidents and Prime Ministers, with fictional news coverage. The episode I had landed on without knowing it was based on the movie “Contact” and for about 5 minutes I actually thought NASA had received a radio signal from intelligent life on another planet. I gotta tell ya, I was “War of the Worlds” freaked out for about 5 minutes before I started googling.
I’ve long believed that credible eyewitnesses all over the world have seen unexplainable things in the skies that are not meteors, comets, Venus, re-entering rocket boosters, birds, lenticular clouds, swamp gas, or any of the myriad other explanations involving identifiable natural phenomena. Some of these eyewitnesses have been US or Russian astronauts; other witnesses such as famed Lockheed aircraft designer Kelly Johnson have provided intriguing accounts of what they have seen. However, describing eyewitness reports—no matter how credible—as “evidence” without concrete verifiable information is stretching the meaning of the term. A crashed UFO is evidence, but unless and until the government releases that information, all we can do is speculate… which is not very different from science fiction. And as you point out, the field of UFOlogy has been plagued by charlatans and pranksters for many decades, and the development of sophisticated CGI software and drone hardware has vastly increased the production of bogus UFO “videos.”
If I were asked to place a bet, I would wager a small amount of money that there are indeed craft that operate near and around Earth that are not of human origin and that they have done so for a long time, but I have absolutely no evidence to back that up. All I have is a guess based on following the topic for most of my life.
“NASA May Have Discovered An Earth-Like Planet”
Wait…so everyone on it is an asshole? How do they know?
Told you so, Earthlings!
Maybe they’re just Identical Cousins. Y’know, like Patty Duke.
Sorry, my old is showing.
Third from the Sun. What fun but scary. Twilight Zone stories can be so prescient.
Not to feed a conspiracy theory, but it is a fact that NASA is a military-controlled entity. If NASA has/had discovered extraterrestrial life, the Pentagon could/would control if and how the find was ever made public. These are facts that, although largely ignored, are operative and quite real. NASA is not a transparent agency.
Thank you, Eric Idle.
So remember, when you’re feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
'Cause it’s bugger all down here on Earth
Wow, it seems just like yesterday that we began to google and yet some have already forgotten how.