Discussion: NASA May Have Discovered An Earth-Like Planet

Think how much safer Earth will be if we immediately launch our full fleet of nuclear missiles at this fresh threat! We’ll both eliminate the danger from the new planet, and eliminate our nuclear missiles. Win-win!

It is wonderful when our species unites. Our species only unites for war. To not war on ourselves, we must “seek out strange new worlds.” Now that Disney owns the Star Wars brand, our future is bright.

Earth-like. Just how earth-like are we talking? Is Venus earth-like?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the information is still pretty vague. My guess is that it’ll boil down to an Earth-sized planet, orbiting a sun-like star, and within the habitable zone. Beyond that I’d assume it’s anybody’s guess as to how habitable it would be.


Where is this “fact”? What you assert would mean that NASA head administrator James Bolden is told what to do by some guy in the Pentagon, and that the largely civilian leadership of NASA is a sham. Eisenhower established NASA specifically as a non-military agency, and I doubt you can provide anything that backs up your allegation that it’s now directly run by the Pentagon. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t extensive contacts between NASA and the military; there have been going back to the beginning. That’s very different from outright control.

Wonder if the earth like planet has a Godlike entity that created them too… and maybe they have an account of the “creation” like some of us do. And, maybe they still have dinosaurs because they were not struck by a giant meteor. Or… let’s just wait for the news conference.

Don’t get too excited people. So far, for Keppler purposes, the term “Earth like” is a pretty loosey-goosey term. It basically means "planet made out of rock in a star’s habitable zone whose mass would give it a gravitational field strong enough to hold an atmosphere, but no so strong you’d break bones if you fell out of your chair (a threshold that, surprisingly, seems to be well short of the 2G.) By that standard, Venus just barely misses “Earth-like” at current solar luminosity levels–it’s just barely outside the zone now. (Don’t know about everyone else, but to me, that’s kind of a heartbreaker–almost as much as knowing there were a couple of billion years when Venus was in the habitable zone.)

Now if they have spectroscopy indicating oxygen and hydrogen and nitrogen, that would be fairly exciting.


Go do some googling. It’s NASA History 101. The DOD has had intimate ties with NASA from it’s inception and NASA has launched many DOD projects over the years. This is not debatable, or a theory of any kind, it’s factual history. The DOD has specific powers to control the release of any new discoveries by NASA, in the interest of national security and defense, like so many other areas of technical development. Welcome to the Military Industrial Complex.

All of the humanoids on the planet appear to be Ted Cruz clones. That makes it pretty safe to hypothesize that the planet is full of assholes.

That’s not the same thing as outright control at the very top, which is what you’re alleging.

If there’s “ample evidence” then I guess you should be able to give us one example.

Just one.

Come on. ONE.

A scientist who could give serious evidence of extra-terrestrial life would win the Nobel Prize.
Who is paying off all the scientists to keep them quiet about this “ample evidence”? Who is stopping them from publishing?

You know the saying that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? Well you, my friend, have very little knowledge.

That’s a naive notion. The DOD has control over anything it deems a risk to national security and defense–and it’s their call on what comprises a risk, with no appeals allowed. Is that, or is that not control?. And as far as your comment that ‘James Bolden is told what to do by some guy in the Pentagon’ is concerned, it only illustrates that your notion of how government functions has been based upon Hollywood screenplays. Everyone is on a need-to-know basis on all of the classified projects that NASA has launched for the DOD. This is basic stuff, so you do some self-educating now, I’ve spent more than enough time on this subject already.

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I’ve seen and read enough science fiction over the years to know what would happen if NASA discovered something amazing regarding life elsewhere.

Fiction, yes. But I think we all know how human nature would guide such a discovery. It would be classified Top Secret instantly. That’s what makes most of these ‘alien movies’ at least somewhat believable: we all know how the government would react. Now, it’s possible that “Creepy Uncle Joe” might blurt out “Aliens are real, and they’re here” (that’s what I love about him), but I’ll bet the Secret Service would wrestle him to the ground before he could get it out.

They would try to keep it a secret - you know they would.

Haven’t you ever seen 3rd Rock? E.T.? Contact? :wink:

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‘Goldilocks Zone’ so probably not so hard to predict.

Not sure about that, but Reince Priebus just told Trump that it is the site of the first GOP debate of this campaign.

As far back as 1982, the Pentagon was looking to establish its own presence in space, independent of NASA:

"Looking toward the day when they will be directing their own missions, teams of Air Force officers are working as observers at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and the Johnson Space Center in Houston. The lessons they learn will be applied to operations of the military’s own shuttle launching and landing facilities, which are under construction at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., and expected to be ready in 1985. Officers will eventually assume control of military shuttle flights, working out of the Consolidated Space Operations Center that is to be built near Colorado Springs, Colo. Meanwhile, the firing rooms at Cape Canaveral and Mission Control at Houston are being modified, at a cost of $26 million and $47 million, respectively, to provide security for military missions.

General Abrahamson said that the partnership between NASA and the Pentagon ‘‘is being strengthened’’ and ‘‘will prevail in the operation of the national space transportation system for the foreseeable future.’’ The Reagan Administration, in a space policy statement released at the time of Columbia’s landing last Sunday, also emphasized that ‘‘close coordination, cooperation and information exchange’’ will be maintained by the civilian and military space programs. NASA will continue to have overall responsibility for the shuttles - a fleet of at least four is planned - and to maintain operational control of all scientific, commercial and other civilian missions. The Defense Department will control all military missions, which include the deployment of reconnaissance satellites and the testing of antisatellite devices to ‘‘deny any adversary the use of space-based systems to provide support to hostile military forces.’’

But the Administration said that in time the institutional structure for the shuttle fleet might change. Consideration has been given to turning over civilian operations to a private contractor, freeing NASA to pursue its research and development objectives. And the Air Force makes no secret of its desire to dissolve its partnership with the agency.

Last month, the Air Force announced the formation of a Space Command, analogous to the Strategic Air Command, to coordinate its activities in space. It also established a Space Technology Center at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., to oversee research in space-based weapons and surveillance." http://www.nytimes.com/1982/07/11/weekinreview/for-now-it-s-nasa-s-deck-but-pentagon-holds-the-cards.html

The intent by the Pentagon to establish its own space-based branch independent of NASA was eventually realized, as their operations of the X-37B illustrate:

“The X-37B began as a NASA project to build a small, unmanned space plane. NASA handed the project over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 2004, but after budgetary problems the program was transferred to the U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, which continues to manage the X-37B program. Boeing’s Phantom Works division built two of the X-37B spacecraft.” http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/07/will-the-pentagon-s-secret-space-plane-ever-return-to-earth.html

You’re asserting that the DOD’s control over its space-based missions that involve NASA is tantamount to control of the entire agency, which is semantic malarkey. The Pentagon carries out top-secret operations in close cooperation with the State Department—does that mean it controls the Department? Not only has the US military established its own USAF-controlled presence in space—substantially reducing the need to work directly with NASA—the Pentagon has no role or interest in the Philae lander or the recent Pluto mission or the various rover missions on Mars, which among other things were specifically tasked to look for signs of life. If you think that the Pentagon would have suddenly big-footed the Mars rover teams—comprised of hundreds of civilian researchers, scientists, and engineers—and prevented them from announcing the discovery of life—one of their publicly hoped-for goals—you’re the one who’s been reading too many Hollywood screenplays.

My only response to you is to acknowledge your snotty (and predictable) attitude.

Pointless thread-jacking that does nothing to prove my comments wrong. Too bad you can’t take a beating like a man, but that’s your choice. You have nothing

Does not counter anything I have said. Try again.

Proving my point for me.

Has nothing to do with my points. Keep trying.

Still proving my point for me. You’re only undermining your own argument. [quote=“bluestatedon, post:35, topic:24095”]
Last month, the Air Force announced the formation of a Space Command, analogous to the Strategic Air Command, to coordinate its activities in space. It also established a Space Technology Center at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., to oversee research in space-based weapons and surveillance." http://www.nytimes.com/1982/07/11/weekinreview/for-now-it-s-nasa-s-deck-but-pentagon-holds-the-cards.html
The intent by the Pentagon to establish its own space-based branch independent of NASA was eventually realized, as their operations of the X-37B illustrate:
Still proving my point. You don’t need to go to such lengths to prove my comments correct and yours incorrect, but go ahead and show yourself to be wrong all you want.

No, that’s your inference. But don’t let that fact get in the way of your fictional crusade against reality. I stated:

it is a fact that NASA is a military-controlled entity. If NASA has/had discovered extraterrestrial life, the Pentagon could/would control if and how the find was ever made public.

And you have brought nothing that contradicts that statement. I can prove it, but you cannot disprove it, however badly you wish you could. Too bad for you. For your enjoyment, the three clips below are of NASA STS mission camera footage that clearly show UFOs (what are they? who knows!) operating in the space above Earth. NASA has consistently denied they have any footage or knowledge of this nature. This drives my point home with a sledgehammer, leaving you with nothing but denial to lean on.

Your only response to a demand for evidence is no response.

And just think…some people never google. Those are the ones we eventually see on TV.