At least it got a majority.
And as for all those Dreamers…well, folks, life is unfair.
(G_d, this stuff just makes me sick.)
Sickening. Tierney, thank you for making it clear that the Republicans are filibustering these bills. It’s dismaying when it’s blandly reported that a billed “failed to get the 60 votes required for passage.” The point is that the Republicans do not believe in majority rule.
After the Dems gave up their leverage during the shut down negotiations this was the only possible outcome, everyone knew that, except for the Dem leadership, oh, and Sen. “McConnell promised” Collins, but she is always all hat and no cattle.
Why would they? They are running the country with a gerrymandered House where they recieved fewer votes over all yet still won more seats, a Senate that they also control despite fewer overall votes because of the unrepresentititive nature of the Senate, and a Presidency they won despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes. And that’s not even touching on their efforts to thwart the will of the majority through things like Voter Suppression. If the will of the majority meant anything to them they wouldn’t be in power.
With selfish, sloppy, soulless persons filling almost every new position in this administration and too few Republicans willing to stand up for what is reasonable,
Twelvescore years on trial,
our country now confronts
the biggest error of its life -
a threat to things we value
stabbing goodness with its knife
We can ill afford to take liberties with or away from our constitutional foundation. Our laws should be principled and clear, but flexible enough to accommodate minor humanizing imperfections.
Most Americans are decent folks. We must call out those who threaten the rest of us on each and every day. And we must not lose hope that relentless, thoughtful, clever, fact-based criticism can still save us.
This government runs as poorly as a Trump business!
Speaking of immigrants, who’s in the office pool for when the GOP starts flogging the surname “Cruz”…
Alluding to “MS-13”…
And labeling Parkland, Florida as a “sanctuary city”?
My money’s on Friday.
T̶h̶e̶ ̶D̶e̶p̶a̶r̶t̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶H̶o̶m̶e̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶S̶e̶c̶u̶r̶i̶t̶y̶ The Waffen SS had blasted the bill for creating a “mass amnesty” and for “destroy[ing]” the DHS’ ability to “to remove millions of illegal aliens.”
Good point - I’m surprised the GOP hasn’t already latched on to the shooter’s last name (while conveniently ignoring that he belonged to a white-supremacist group)
I would not negotiate, bargain or even TALK to these guys about DACA as long as they continue to hold hostages and they should be told that to their faces.
Well, Sessions is already alluding to gang violence as a cause, so you may already be wrong.
Vote against gop at every opportunity, at every level. That’s answer assuming you want to avoid pitch forks.
Do any of them have a Plan D available to punt this into the future?
GD it, you just darkened my mood. not your fault, of course…the constant damage to the “american dream”, the criminalization of poverty, the openly racist comments and behavior…it’s all wearing me down.
Also they have really, really unpopular positions—plutocratic, theocratic, gunocratic etc. So majority rule was never going to work for them anyway.
The Know-Nothing President and the No-Nothing Congress.
European countries have taken a range of approaches to regularizing immigration. The hard-line approaches are found in Eastern Europe, with the hardest of the hard-line in Hungary (also most pro-Putin). Isten hozott Magyarországon!.
I hate these g-d greedy bastids in Congress that think the world is their little petri dish. It’s time for a revolution.
Dems need to remind every TV camera they can find that Trump broke DACA; he also can fix it. All of this is because he reversed an Obama initiative. (I realize that comes as a shock…)
Trump broke it.