Discussion: Naomi Wolf Suggests ISIL Beheading Videos May Have Been Staged

I was at a movie on Saturday night and someone would NOT saying that over and over.


Naomi Wolf’s understanding of how the power elite (as C. Wright Mills referred to them) control the United States and most of the world is dead, in my opinion. Belief in the ‘power elite’ is to believe in conspiracies provided one understands the the strict definition of the term – multiple persons or agents plan their actions in relative secrecy.

I deleted my last post because I thought it was Naomi Klein they were referring to. I am sorry, I haven’t had my coffee yet. Oy vey. I am going back to bed,

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A Twat? Are you fucking kidding me.

Uh Oh! PC Police are here!

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Here’s some of the evidence Wolf refers to supporting her “coup” argument.

We should let readers make their own decisions based on facts.

(1) Bush strikes down Posse Comitatus.

(2) Rep. Brad Sherman says many congresspersons were threatened with martial law if they didn’t vote for bank bailout bill.

(3) For the first time since 1807 a military brigade was deployed inside the U.S. for “policing”.

(4) Ten steps to a fascist coup by Naomi Wolf.

She’s a moron. Se has always been a moron. There is no filter or circuit breaker between the part of her brain that thinks up stupid s–t and her mouth. On the other hand, that is how she makes a living— cites like TPM report on her as an excuse to avoid serious thinking and reporting about important stuff.


She gots the cray cray eyes. They always gots the cray cray eyes.

Windows into souls.

Hey, remember when Naomi Wolf had the brilliant idea to dress Al Gore in beige and have him engage in excessive PDA with his wife in order to appear as more of an Alpha Male during the 2000 campaign? Remember when the Democratic party laughed her off the national stage and she had to go into exile in London in order to maintain her career as a pundit that anyone took seriously?


Perhaps she merely picked up on the fact that your the type of guy who likes to call a woman a “twat”.



Does he say “twaddle her halibut”?

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It’s a little bit scary just how many tin-foil wearers are coming out of the woodwork to defend her crazy conspiracy theories. (disclaimer: crazy for folk who use reasoning and logic to reach conclusions, vs pull them out of their …)

I wonder if they know how unhinged they sound to the rest of folk? Then again I guess they don’t really care since to them we are the crazy blind folk who can’t see the six armed purple yeti currently hiding behind the woodshed…


There is a difference between stupid and racist, sexist or other genuinely inappropriate remarks. Here her facebook comment was probably stupid, but it certainly wasn’t racist or inappropriate. My question is was it news? I have never thought of Naomi Wolf as being above making stupid comments. For me it was basically par for her course.

But then again here we are at the font of snark where we all feel smugly superior to lesser beings like Wofl.

I think I can see that. She likely wanted a place to vent. Unfortunately for her someone caught her in a crazy eyes pose (it happens) and people are very unforgivingh of politically involved public figures.

whatever dude: She’s also claimed we are sending troops to Africa to bring Ebola back to America for a military takeover.

You’d have to be in a coma to not know that the U.S. has dramatically expanded its military footprint in Africa under Obama.

Last year, according AFRICOM commander General David Rodriguez, the U.S. military carried out a total of 546 “activities” on the continent – a catch-all term for everything the military does in Africa. In other words, it averages about one and a half missions a day. This represents a 217% increase in operations, programs, and exercises since the command was established in 2008.


A 2013 investigation by TomDispatch analyzing official documents and open source information revealed that the U.S. military was involved with at least 49 of the 54 nations on the African continent during 2012 and 2013 in activities that ranged from special ops raids to the training of proxy forces.

If anything Wolf is understating the U.S. military presence in Africa.

Google: “Tomgram: Nick Turse, America’s Non-Stop Ops in Africa”.

Additionally, what Naomi Wolf wrote in her post is:

“Three thousand Ebola exposed American troops creates a direct vector into the U.S. and whatever happens a narrative can exist to justify military cordoning of U.S. populations.”

You have so grossly distorted Wolf’s message one must consider that you’re doing this intentionally.

I meant to type, “her understanding is dead on”, not “dead”.

Just look at her eyes.


the reporter explained that the hostages’ abductions had been under a media blackout for two years.

Come again?

Do you find it a bit hypocritical to label someone crazy (“cray cray”) based on an evaluation of their eyes made over the internet?

Are you a trained psychologist?

Or are you a psychic?

Perhaps your conclusion reveals more about you than the person you’re analyzing?

Naomi "Wolf distorts her own message.

She’s a crackpot with no real credibility.