We don’t present ourselves as journalists? We aren’t professional authors who are supposed to research before writing?
It was a facebook page. I don’t think that is a place anybody practices journalism. Most people think a facebook page is akin to a public diary. Nobody thinks it akin to the New York Times.
How do we know none of our fellow posters are professional journalists? Most of the folks who post here post under an alias.
Exactly! For example, there’s nothing wrong with a doctor giving our bad medical advice as long as they don’t do it in the office.
I don’t think she was giving advice. She was just popping off on her facebook page. I think it is silly to compare modern journalism with medicine. Doctors have to be cautious where and when they give medical advice. They can be sued. When was the last time a journalist was sued for a stupid story? Saying or writing outrageous and stupid stuff is what journalism is these days.
Once again proving how using social media can come back to bite you in the derriere. Can you imagine Cronkite Twittering and Facebooking? Can you imagine Woodward and Bernstein going online with their thoughts during Watergate?
By the way, after the execution of Foley, it was rather widely reported that his kidnapping and that of other journalists in the area had been intentionally kept out of the news for their own safety. NPR’s “On the Media” did a whole segment about it. So really, I think we can stop calling Wolf a “journalist.” She doesn’t even read the news, let alone write it.
Fine. Not advice. Doctor who would never skip a vaccination in the office spouting off anti-vax crap and stirring up Ebola paranoia.
There is nothing about Facebook or Twitter that requires those who use either one to make asses of themselves. That is entirely Ms. Wolf’s contribution.
You have raised a good question, too. I’m not the real Glans, but I’m not working for Alpha Centauri, so you’re batting five hundred.
I’m not blaming social media, just pointing out that real journalists would never fall into the “I think it, therefore I must post it” mentality.
She legitimizes ISIS Truthers. A couple of weeks ago someone on twitter accused me of being a lemming because I hadn’t watched the videos which he claimed were clearly fake.
Everything is a conspiracy to her. Her Facebook page reads like the ramblings of a lunatic. Another example, even though every poll taken leading up to the vote indicated that Scots wanted to remain in the UK, she thinks the results were fraudulent.
Kinda’ gives her that-- "If-Bill-The-Cat-Were-Human-Look" – eh?
Here’s Naomi Wolf in October 2008 asserting that George Bush had perpetrated a coup on October 1, 2008, and that he must be arrested for it before he stopped the elections of 2008.
I remember after seeing this I made a mental note that Naomi Wolf was not a person whose words must be heeded.
Well shit. That URL just screams “WAKE UP SHEEPLE!”.
You’d expect it to be from a Paulbot, actually. She must have grabbed it first.
And since when do we hold public figures to account for things they post in social media or send by email? If they post something extremely racist or sexist or insane in an informal setting, it doesn’t count. When Ron Fournier of the AP gets caught sending extremely inappropriate emails to Karl Rove or a judge gets caught sending racist/sexist emails about President Obama and his mother, it doesn’t call into question their credibility at all.
Thanks for your “intelligent” and “thoughtful” insight.
Hey, look, that person best known for her oft-refuted conspiracy theory has a new conspiracy theory.
Notice how she needs the beheading videos “authenticated before they enter the history record,” but the self-serving statements of some anonymous Pakistani Sunni oligarch is THE REAL DEAL, MAN.
I love the snotty line about “assume the dominant narrative to be true” - as if noticing the giant holes in Wolf’s crackpot theory leaves a slavish devotion to “the dominant narrative” as the only available alternative. That’s exactly the con that hoovers up so many gullible college sophomores, and just watch - it’s going to work.
You seem like a real glans to me.
She’s also claimed we are sending troops to Africa to bring Ebola back to America for a military takeover.
This bitch crazy.