Discussion for article #228455
I read that as Naomi Watts and I was unpleasantly surprised with the picture.
Good old Naomi. The left’s answer to Steve King.
And what is her take on climate change, the President’s birthplace, BP oil spill and the moon landing?
She raised questions. She was right to do so.
EvEnts Are STAged BY LIBtards TO drAW us iNTO WaRs BAsed ON faCts thaT are In NO WAY staged. FAmouS staGEd evenTs:
TeRRorIST beHEAdings -War agaiNst sYRIA
9-11 - War agAINST iraq
GULF of TONkin - War AgaINSt VIetnam
PEarL HArbor - war AGAINSt JApan
The MAIn Incident - War AGAInst CUBA
AliEN Autopsy - War AGAInst Space ALIens
PauL is DEAD - War AgAInst sCREAMing TEENagers
kwanzaa - WAr agaINSt cHRIstMAS
DInosaur BOnes - WAr agaiNSt CHristians
THe LISt GOEs ON!!111!one!!1!!1!
Moon LANding
No, she wasn’t right to do so. As a professional reporter you don’t post baseless conspiracy theories on Facebook. If she had questions, she should have done what we call “research”. Then, if her off the wall conspiracy theory actually had some basis in facts and evidence, she could write a blockbuster story and win a Pulitzer. Instead she just comes off as a nut who shouldn’t be working for any legitimate news agency.
Another think before you speak .
In denial much?
Just another idiot that needs to be in the public spotlight making stupid statements and then attempting to backtrack. Why not, they seldom see any real damage to their careers.
Yes, She raised questions. Asinine questions. If you think she was “right to do so,” then surely you think I am right to raise the question of whether or not you are the real “Glans” or an alien clone of Glans sent to reconnoiter our planet in advance of an invasion from Alpha Centauri. I’m just asking, mind you.
I’d also like to raise a question. What the hell is wrong with her?
Or the missing Malaysian plane.
Good grief.
We do have the Constitutionally protected right to be stupid.
I’m always getting Naomi Watts Naomi Klein Naomi Wolf Naomi Campbell mixed up. I read practically the whole “Vagina” book before I figured out that it wasn’t written by Klein, whom I admire. If it helps, Wolf is the one that has written that she prefers the blended clitoral/vaginal orgasm; I am unaware of the other Naomis’ positions on this issue.
She looks so sane.
Hey Naomi, your tinfoil is too tight!
Ultimate irony? In her FB post, Naomi asks “THAT’S journalism???” Nutter, heal thyself.
She called into question the videos of the beheadings on her facebook page… That isn’t news, I read others making similar comments shortly after beheadings occurred. She doesn’t have any special knowledge and doesn’t seem to claim any. Before we pile on we need to ask how does her speculation make her any different than any of us making comments at a TPM post?