Barr had plenty of warning. He’s just Trump’s lapdog. Eventually charges need to be pursued against him.
Just waiting to hear from all the hair-on-fire trolls about how much a wimp and a coward and a surrender-monkey Nadler (along with Cummings, Schiff, Waters, et al) actually turns out to be.
“No one, including chairman Nadler and his committee, will force the Dept. of Justice into breaking the law.”
‘We have proven to be eminently capable of breaking any number of laws without anyone’s help, thanks.’
It’s about bloody time someone started using the C-word…
No one, including Chairman Nadler and his Committee, will force the Department of Justice to break the law.
Because they happily do so voluntarily.
“Regrettably, Chairman Nadler’s actions have prematurely terminated the accommodation process and forced the President to assert executive privilege to preserve the status quo,”
Status quo? Another moment in interesting phrasing. Maybe not a good choice. Not used to hearing it as anything other than a mild to at times adamant negative. At least on the layman side of things.
I love Ben Frank. He’s my favorite founding dad.
"War is the remedy our enemies have chosen. Other simple remedies were within their choice. You know it and they know it, but they wanted war, and I say let us give them all they want; not a word of argument, not a sign of let up, no cave in till we are whipped or they are."
– William Tecumseh Sherman
“…and make the Old Confederacy howl.”
We’ve heard the term Constitutional Crisis for the umoteenth time. It’s like an echo chamber.
Yes Constitutional Crisis but what can you motherfoooken do about it when you only have the House of/Reps?
Win the foooken Senate too, next time.
Congress can withhold salaries. An interesting option … . Good thing the Moron is a gazillionaire, right?
Trump’s only following Obama’s precedent-setting refusal to turn over a single document regarding !Benghazi! or make his Secretary of State available for testimony before Congress.
OK “constitutional Crisis”, so what now?
The Supremes rule 5-4 that there is no Constitutional Crisis, that Trump is firmly in his Rights.
However, also note that their ruling is limited to the circumstances at hand, and should not be considered to be precedent-setting for any future Presidents, most particularly should one with a (D) after their name ever actually make it past the russian-assisted hurdles.
My left hemisphere has separated from my right hemisphere
And now I am steadily channeling a new dimension:
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money’s gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground
…and Kilgore, remember to do your part to “get out the vote.”
Yer friend,
We’ve been in a constitutional crisis since 9 November 2016, when the winner (by three million ballots) of the popular vote was not allowed to assume her position…based on an archaic (and obviously fatal) flaw in our electoral process.
…and let us march to the sea.