It’s time to put some fat on the hot, hot, hot Weber grill coals!
Spoiler alert: House Dems refused to do anything to assert their powers as defined by the Constitution so the subpoena was, in fact, completely optional.
I think the proof is in the pudding these days. Next?
tough words, now let’s see the followup.
And now, here’s an emoji to make the commenting system happy so it will take my comment:
Why didn’t Nadler immediately conduct a vote to hold McGahn in contempt? Why didn’t he then follow it up with a vote to take it to court to enforce the contempt ruling? Why wait?
this committee will have no choice but to enforce the subpoena against him.”
Triple-dog dare you.
Here’s a thought, Jerry: How about replacing your threats with actual enforcement?
IOW Quit fucking around already. Start throwing these shits into the fan.
OK, the obstruction groundwork has been laid and assiduously documented.
Next step please…
OT, but we all deserve a laugh these days.
Headline over at The Daily Beast which is guaranteed to make Spankee blow his top and let loose a tweet or three:
Also: a few more headlines like this and Bolton’ll go the way of John Kelly…
Hope to still be alive when the Democrats sanction anyone for not testifying.
Hope you’re writing this from the crib, otherwise Vegas ain’t gonna take your bet.
Yeah, I know we’re laying the impeachment groundwork, but…
They’ll hold a contempt vote in a couple of days then take him to court just as they did with Trump’s accounting firm. The federal judge will probably rule just as swiftly and decisively on this case as yesterday. After that, McGahn will testify.
This should all take about two to three weeks, after which Congress will have gained more backing from the Courts in their investigation of Trump. That’s the plan as I see it and I think it’s a good one. Too many people are in a hurry here when rushing only increases the risk of messing this up.
Patience people! We have time to get this right, so use it.
Oh, much better!
Imma gonna steal this one!
Why is it better to wait two days to hold a contempt vote?
The second you did not arrest Barr or Mnuchin, you knew this was next.
Because a sternly-worded letter must come first.