Discussion: Nadler: Dems Won't 'Necessarily' Impeach Trump Over 'Impeachable Offense'

Paula Jones claimed sexual harassment when she was working for the state. If memory serves, he exposed himself to her in a hotel room, she said no and that was the end of it. For damages she claimed that everyone in the office got flowers except her on Secretaries day. It was about 10 years outside the statute of limitations so I don’t even know how they brought a case.

During discovery they asked about any other affairs that he had had in the past to establish a pattern of bad behavior. That’s when he lied. Supposedly the perjury was too much for a President. Meanwhile, Trump often lies multiple times in each sentence.


Tapper and his fake fucking gravitas. He must have looked up the word “impeachment”.


Well somebody has got to hold this corrupt ass accountable!!!

Americans are not going to stand for this bullshit! Not today and not ever!!!

You don’t impeach a president when 53 republican senators are in the bag for the man impeached.


That’s a real firebrand.

Gee the Dems never fail to live up to their stereotype.

This type of uber measured tone will definitely fire up the base that catapulted them to power from utter irrelevance.

would vote to impeach convict


Like a BJ?

With Democrat friends like these …

Maybe and maybe not. One thing we do know is that Americans in vast numbers will lie down like dogs and close their eyes to it. That’s been amply demonstrated.


I agree with this and some of the other similarly-minded comments above. Impeachment (plus removal from office) puts the Republicans out of their current misery and gives them a chance to start anew, “re-brand” themselves. I still remember the ad for Ford in his race against Carter. Things were looking up again! And they had that awful song accompanying the ad, which unfortunately I can still sing 40 years later—“I’m feeling good about America! I can feel it everywhere I go. I’m feeling good about America! And I feel you ought to know, etc.” And as @fosberry notes it almost worked for Ford.

I say let the GOP roll around in the Trump vomit for as long as possible. Let them be stuck and fight among themselves as to what to do, as more and more damaging information comes out about their hero and leader. Let their standing with the voters fall still lower. Obviously we all want Trump out of there as soon as possible. But don’t throw the Republicans a life-line.


In other words, the Senate isn’t on board, and it’s no use taking a shot uness you’re sure to hit.


Why, do you suppose it hasn’t occurred to the talk shows to have Rethugs on for this purpose? Maybe if they have to hand out their lists of questions they’ll be asking the Rethugs decline. Not a TV watcher so…


I totally disagree with your analysis!

There are millions (more that 40%) of the electorate who rejects this trashy Trump biz wax!

Senate Repubs will never vote to impeach Trump. Full stop.

Correct, because senators don’t vote to impeach or not impeach; they vote to acquit or convict.


I’m willing to wait until treason is undeniable and the fat bastard is dragged onto the WH lawn and hung.


The point is not impeachment but making life hell for these guys. To talk in such almost concilliatory tone is to sound like you want to give them some slack so that they continue to do what they have been doing without any accounting for their obvious sins.

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The money word here is necessarily.

I’m glad it’s there.


Perhaps but I think the analogy with Clinton is faulty to the extent that the Starr investigation really was a republican partisan witch hunt against a democratic president. I say that as someone who is at best ambivelent about Clinton’s presidency. The Mueller investigation is the polar opposite of the Starr investigation. Professional, non-partisan/political, focused on real crimes that tangibly threaten our democracy and national security. That the democrats are hemming and hawing over whether to start impeachment proceedings is as predictable as it is disappointing. Nadler said on Lawrence O’Donnell earlier in the week that the dems won’t start impeachment unless there is republican support. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Show some spine democrats and do what you swore to do - protect our constitution and country from enemies, both domestic and foreign. The republican party is completely corrupt, amoral and lacking any integrity or honor. Don’t wait for them. It is up to the democrats, again, to save our country. Do your job, democrats.


I agree with your point, but cringe when Franken’s dilemma is addressed in some minimized way. There were already EIGHT women with tales and complaints about “Handsy Al”, and most were Dems. Do people really believe that an investigation wouldn’t have dug up more? Franken himself decided not to endure a humiliating investigation, nobody forced him out.

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50.1% turnout in the 2018 elections. QED.

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In the old days, it was bee’s wax, guess it’s now “biz wax”. :grinning:

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