Discussion: NAACP Will No Longer Give Clippers Owner Lifetime Achievement Award

Discussion for article #222048

That call was obvious.

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Shouldn’t other 1%ers like the Koch brothers and lesser known money pervs have their lifestyles generally examined by a non pet press for overt signs of this type of perverted, personal racism and sexism exacerbated by vast wealth and power?
Seems like a lot of our domestic and foreign policy ills could stem from this behavior and the other unknown behaviors this type engages in as they jet and yacht about the world…

How the hell did it ever come about that he was even considered for a Lifetime Achievement Award in the first place? This man has a well-known history of racial animus from what I’ve read. Overall, he is absolutely no pinnacle of virtue. Not giving him something he never deserved, is what we call a no-frickin-brainer.


Why not honor Elgin Baylor who worked for Sterling and sued him for racial discrimination? Baylor lost in the courts of corporate people and now seems vindicated in the court of public opinion. A great player in LA with the Lakers and courageous enough to sue the Clippers.


Glad this happened so quickly. The walk of shame begins!

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Donald Sterling contributed to anti-racist Dem Bill Bradley’s campaign. Also Grey Davis for gov. No Repubs. Go figger

I fail to see your point.


Even so, I betcha he bullies them in partially reversing it after a few months. He can be some kinda NAACP Outstanding Individual instead of lifetime. UPDATE: Well maybe not. The Daily Mail On Line reports he was sued in 2009 for housing discrimination, claiming, ‘Black tenants smell and attract vermin’. That might be a tough sell for NAACP (even if the officials involved might perhaps be venal sycophants) amid all this publicity.

Any low IQ idiot would know big racist money bet on both sides of the issues. {F}igger is the point, like the sign Bruce Willis wore in Harlem in the movie “Die Hard with a Vengeance”. What we have here is an apologetic troll.

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And this donation somehow excuses his blatant racism?

Or did I misinterpret your post?

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Shouldn’t we know what prompted the NAACP to consider this honor in the first place? What if the order wars reversed and they first conferred the award, and then we find this out? Could Cliven Bundy also have been nominated? What’s up with that?


That’s EXACTLY the question I was going to pose ; why was he even considered in the first place??? From what I’ve learned the past few days, the guy has had a bad history with minorities, going back YEARS. Who the hell put his name in the hat? Was it a money thing; did Sterling make a large donation to the organization and this was his reward? What the f-ck?
Sterling is an ass, but them initially wanting to honor them doesn’t make them look much better. They need to either raise their standards or find another researcher before doling out these superfluous awards


Telephone poles: motorcycles don’t have doors.

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No you did not. It is the meme of the day, apologetic waffling to racism Bundy style.


What had he done to even be considered ?

Crikey. This nation has such a long way to go.

This week felt like we took a time machine back to the 50’s. And not in a good way.


Why were they giving him an award in the first place?? I would bet that money talks and bullshit walks. Even the NAACP is not adverse to certain people if they give them enough money. I think the NAACP should do some soul searching and maybe even some research on who they give their awards out to. Maybe they need some new management or not let money come before integrity and what you stand for.

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Ha-ha! Time wounds all racist heels.


So true.
On another note, why aren’t the comments below the article? I don’t like having to click on a couple of links to get to them.

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