Discussion: NAACP Weighs In On Wash. President Allegedly Pretending To Be Black

Discussion for article #237405

Oneā€™s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership.

You know, for a bunch of racists intent upon the extinction of the white race, they donā€™t sound very scary. I may have been misled about them.


If she should happen to step down, her VP, Donald Sterling, will take over.


You know, if the anthropologists are right and homo sapiens originated in Africa, then ALL Americans are, by definition, ā€œAfrican Americansā€ or ā€œAfrican-Americansā€ or ā€œAfro-Americans.ā€

So the NAACPā€™s stance in this matter is wise.


Except their stance is not wise.

Fact is, this woman was giving paid speeches in which she told stories about how hard it was to grow up African American (thatā€™s basically fraud). Sheā€™s claimed sheā€™s been a victim of racial bias, intolerance and bigotry.

Its quite disgusting.


Just thought Iā€™d head this one off at the passā€¦

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The story I saw this morning showed a wedding picture of the woman in question, her black husband and her two Caucasian parents who were also interviewed. What are the husbandā€™s thoughts?


The problem isnā€™t that sheā€™s white. The problem is that she lied about it. Itā€™s commendable that someone would devote their life to a cause that didnā€™t explicitly help them. But all the same, this is a pretty odd thing to lie about. Especially when itā€™s so obvious sheā€™s related to Sideshow Bob.


Her next job will be in the Nation of Islam.

Iā€™d be more concerned about mental health and some kind of transference issues. Her parents adopted Black children and she says she now has custody of one who had been her brother and apparently now calls him her son. And what about this Black father she claims to have?

While we donā€™t know all the details, it is wrong for her to claim she is Black and mislead people while in this leadership role. Even if she now has a Black husband, children, and wants to so identify. I think the NAACP will end up having to further react to this whole situation and perhaps change their blanket support of her.

Sounds like she is living the opposite of the 1949 movie ā€œPinkyā€ with the white parents in the shadows and not supposed to reveal the truth. Iā€™m afraid it also reminds me of the people who claim they have cancer to get attention and financial support.


Seriously hard fathom on this one. Here I thought ā€œtheyā€ were trying to steal all our white, blonde, blue-eyed women from us and that it was a mark of honor and prestige to have done so, and yet itā€™s being hidden? Makes no sense!

Iā€™m sort of curious if she puts on black airs and talks like Weezyā€¦

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We just had a discussion yesterday about biracial white/Native Americans ā€œpassing as whiteā€ and today we have someone ā€œpassing as black.ā€ This country has been preoccupied with race since its founding.


This is one of those weirdly entertaining stories to watch. It has all the elements, race, dishonesty, a touch of crazy. Having said that, itā€™s great to hear the NAACP standing behind her record of accomplishments while there. If she can weather the 3 or 4 day shit storm she may just come out of this OK.


I donā€™t think so! More power to her, hell everyone thought the late Johnny Otis was black and he also embraced it although he was Greekā€¦So go ahead on Soul sister!


Did she gain anything by claiming to be black? I donā€™t think so, It all started in Africa so sheā€™s right.

Did she gain anything???

Yes, she gained a job. But she also gave paid speeches on her struggles as a black woman.


Does the work she did out weight her gaining a job?

Iā€™m really just here for the jokes and slander on Black Twitter. Go search for #AskRachel. seriously, do it now. youā€™re welcome.


Yeah, I was going to bring up Johnny Otis, too.


He probably did as much as anyone of any race for the promotion and mainstreaming of African American musicians in American culture.

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Asa Carter, the author of George Wallaceā€™s ā€˜Segregation Foreverā€™ speech, also faked a Native American ancestry and wrote a book titled The Education of Little Tree then passed it off as a true story. America is a place where a charlatan can strike it rich on the ever changing social attitudes.