Discussion: N.C.'s Sweeping Anti-Gay Bill Goes Way Beyond Targeting LGBTs

When considering legislation’s constitutionality do the courts examine its legislative history? Procedurally this looks suspect to me. Even if they met every procedural requirement, they certainly ignored every principle of open government and sunshine laws.


My sympathies to those living in North Carolina. It’s pretty clear we are seeing a return of that state to the old Confederate, slave-owning state, it worked so hard to replace with a great educational system and a commitment to equality and decent treatment of all its citizens. In a democracy, folks deserve to get what they vote for – sometimes good and hard.


I’m interested in the mechanism of enforcement. Will suspected transgressors be required to show their genitals to the police? Will citizens’ arrests be possible? (I’m sure a lot of sexual deviants are thrilled at that possibility) Will transgender people be required to carry their birth certificates with them at all times to justify their use of a restroom?

At the most basic level I simply cannot believe this. Of all the things in the world I worry about, the absolute last one is that someone of the opposite gender might be in the same bathroom as me. Who fucking cares?


Can you imagine if the Dems and President Obama pulled something like this for, let’s say, gun control? The indignant outrage that would come from the GOP? Yet, not a peep from McConnell or Ryan condemning this one.


NC bizarrely has a moderate reputation, mostly based on long gone pols. Why anyone would live there is beyond me. I know some people don’t like snow (the occasional ice storm is worse, btw), but no thinking person should live in the South and the thinking people in the North need to make sure we don’t have any more Wisconsins.

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I hate this law too, when exactly were decent companies supposed to forcefully argue one way or another? This was introduced, passed and signed in under a day, likely to prevent all interested parties from responding. Now, several companies (certainly not enough) have come out against it, and I’m hopeful it will eventually produce the response that GA has gotten and-then-some.


Back to reality. It’ll be G-d, Gunz and Gays!

As someone who represents employees in matters involving discrimination, I can attest that this represents an important change in the law, one that very much favors employers. Where I live, we have state laws and state courts that are more favorable to employee rights than the federal system. Accordingly, although the state and federal courts are both within walking distance of my office, we always file in state court when we can. While I doubt that North Carolina state courts were every that favorable for employees, I am confident that the change in the law was meant to help defendants in civil rights lawsuits.


What are the rules for calling an “emergency” session of the legislature anyway? Doesn’t there have to be something that’s more of an emergency that “Hey, we thought of a cool new way to screw over our citizens”?


Do not vote and this is what you get.
Vote for hatefilled creeps this is what you get.

NC Shows tis nation how much they hate people who are diufferent.So they could attack those gays they just creamed the whole State of people.Mentally Ill, Disabled People, Combat Injured Vets, their whole population just got the shaft.


That is my husband with the GOP = HATE sign. We were shouting and chanting last night, but we will be organizing for Hillary and Democrats all Summer and Fall. Don’t worry. We will be voting these MFers out in November. Fo Sho!


And moi with the HRC shirt on.


They are nasty and just want to stick it to people while they still hold power. They see the writing on the wall. Their days are numbered.


The quickest way to a Christo-fascist’s heart is through his wallet. The NBA, Apple, and other interests have made it clear this will not stand.


Fuck you Chief Justice John Roberts. The South has moved beyond discrimination my ass.


You don’t have to sugar-coat it for us. I hope no one ever forgets what a lying azz he was.

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Thank you both! It hurts my heart when I hear about the NC legislature doing these kinds of things and think about my friends in the state, who have such a different outlook on life.

Ask GA how many companies are pulling out of their state…


This was a bill to help business interests disguised as a religious freedom bill. Clever how Republicans do that all the time and the media never catches on.


Welcome to the new GOP norm. Redstate America, where you only get the rights the GOP wants you to have.