Discussion: Muslim Reps Ask For DOJ Investigation Into Anti-Muslim Phoenix Rally

Discussion for article #237166

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Unfortunately, I doubt that this will get very far.


How can it be anything other than pure intimidation?

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Good. It’s about time these statues are used to prosecute true criminals, and not women and doctors dealing with medical questions. I’m equally shocked to learn that there are now TWO Muslims in the Congress. I know of Rep. Ellison, and am glad to see he now has some company. Equally excited to learn that Rep. Carson’s party affiliation means one less Republican to throw sand in the gears. I wish them success in this inquiry.


Morbidly obese man with gun. Probably hasnt seen his weiner in decades under that belly

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Slightly off topic, but the fellow in the picture is quite impressive. Lots of gear, patches, camo rifle, ear bud. I’m willing to bet though, if a car backfired anywhere near Captain Wolverine (notice the captain’s bars), he would either pee himself or kill every living thing near him out of fear. Or both.


How would they respond if a dozen Muslims in traditional garb open-carried in front of a Catholic church?


Correct guns, white, male equal PRIVILEGE and SPECIAL consideration. We saw that here as well with the azzwipe in Atlanta carrying a rifle through the airport. In both cases if “brown” you can bet there would have been 50 cops as well as a military style response that would not have ended happily.


All available over the internet, I retired (LTC Army) before current combats came into use so I’d not be able to tell if worn properly, anyone know?

Pee, bet he could not hit a target with a 100 round mag. At least that is my experience around here in East TN from like dressed folks.


I would be worried about that white worm entering his ear.


The word “pogrom” is Russian for “riot”. Back in the good old days of the Russian Empire when things were going badly for the hoi-polloi, there would occur such a thing. it was usually encouraged by the police and the Okhrana (the Russian secret police) by liquoring up the local toughs and sending them of en masse to beat up, rape, and sometimes kill Jews. (My mother survived one of these in 19i9, when she was 5 and in the middle of the Russian Civil War.)

This looks like an effort to start something similar, but with some vital differences: so far as the reporting goes, there was no federal involvement (although I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the local police were turning a blind eye) and while the Muslims there are in a tiny minority there were not a billion-plus coreligionists all over the world to take notice and perhaps action.

I really don’t want to be in the same country with these goons. I wish they would go and make their own.

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Yeah, here too. Reminds me of the Blackwater/Xe contractor a-holes. Couldn’t lead a stick horse to water.

Here’s the law in Arizona that would take of these inbred, Rambo wanna-be’s, if properly applied!


I think this is just a big misunderstanding. This was really a casting call for a new “Duck Dynasty - Southwest” show about bearded gun nut bigots in the middle of the desert who have to face the fact there are no migratory water fowl in their area of the country.

I wonder if these guys appreciate that with a small change in the colors or styles of their headgear, they’re virtually indistinguishable from the members of ISIS broadcast on the news?


What is it with malicious bigoted morons and the American southwest anyway?

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I for one am getting fed up with seeing idiots who either never served or did their six and out walking around as make believe soldiers wearing camo gear. Really pisses me off.

These sad sacks of shit could have chosen to remain in the military unless they were drummed out due to poor fitness evaluations.

Either way, I wish we could make it more difficult for them to act out as pretend soldiers. It completely dishonors every woman/man in uniform and those of us who served honorably.

O5 Retired


That’s different because reasons.

The well dressed RWNJ militia man gun nut: what’s with the gloves? We never used gloves in the Marines (decades ago), of course then we never wore bandanas. I wonder if he realizes how ridiculous he looks, a real non-hacking POS.

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And they get harassed wherever they go!


Camo? check
rifle? check
walkie talkie? check
bandanna? check
serious face? check
rambo wanna be? check

OK I’m ready for my close up Mr De Mille.