Not entirely true. There are a lot of ex-military working for private “security” firms. The god damned things only exist because we’ve fucked-up our military so badly because we no longer have service personnel assigned to provide security to civilian government officials in combat zones.
I’m no attorney, but seems to me they have a good point, if not a good case. Maybe some of the religious freedom diehards will start to understand that religious freedom for one means religious freedom for all. Somehow, they don’t quite seem to get that simple fact.
When I lived in MN, my license plate # started with a 5. Makes me proud to be from there.
The RWAC in the pic is wearing Captain’s bars…officers don’t have neck tattoos.
Why would anyone be intimidated by a little old inanimate object.
Perhaps they do now. And he has that microphone on his shoulder like he is in control.
Good it absolutely was intimidation in my view. Now imagine if a group of armed muslims stood outside a Christian church in protest. Would the “compassionate conservative Christians” inside the church feel they were in danger? What would FoxNews take on it be?
Damned Right this should be investigated by the DOJ.
Look at the patches on that guys left arm. He is clearly a member of the Arizona “Oath Keepers”.
This is Organized and dangerous.
Better yet how would they react if it were all armed black men at a Catholic church?
Yeah, I suspect they’re mostly WASPs to begin with, so wouldn’t mind too much if it was the Muslims vs. the Papists. Now, if the armed Muslims decided to protest with open-carry outside of a Hooters, now that’s just Anti-American blaspheming!
They also ride Harleys, so his gear is a bit of a crossover. The gloves that he has on are from Home depot, carpenter gloves. The guy is a walking contradiction, fashion faux pas and generally confused.
I’ll bet nickels to donuts that not one of the ‘anti-Muslim’ militia can explain why they are anti-Muslim or what it is about Islam that scares them so much or can even associate the two.
They are desperate to dress up and act bad, are susceptible and willing to hate, pick on weak targets, knew there wouldn’t be a fight and went home and got wasted on Meisterbrau after.
Who would call these clowns patriots, take them seriously or consider their behavior normal? This is the Mental Midget Militia on parade. Right after them came the Donkeys, fire trucks and balloons.
What do you want to bet that captain is NOT an earned rank for mr-neck-tatoo?
Look at the outfit of the guy in that picture. Think about the care that guy puts into looking like that.
It’s all Live Action Role Play for these guys. It’s no different than the guys who dress up like Game of Thrones and go to Ren Faires… except for the live rounds.
What’s the rule-of-law.? Decency and consideration for others are out of fashion. As long as they follow the law just ignore them … and fight to get the law changed.
Great country, America! You can not smoke a tobacco product in some public spaces… you can not carry an open alcoholic beverage in some public spaces… but please feel free to roam the streets (even the airport) with your assault rifle. There needs to be a federal gun law that supersedes any and all other governmental and private entities’ desires. The 2nd Amendment was established by the government, and it can be modified (or removed) by the government. Let’s make it reasonable.
Last I checked modifying the constitution would require ratification by 2/3 of the states which means it’s not up to the Government. It’s up to the people… and half the people don’t want to change it.
He looks like a typical undisciplined Private/Captain
The Southern Poverty Law Center wrote its first report about the rise of the militia Movement in the 1990’s. A large percentage were ex-Military types like Tim McVeigh that could not handle military discipline for 20 years and got out, unusually at a low rank of Private First Class, Specialist/Corporal or Sergeant.
They would then form an anti-government militia and “promote” themselves to a high officer rank.The SPLC referred to them as Corporal-Captains or Sergeant-Colonel’s.