Discussion: Mueller Selects More Prosecutors To Help With Growing Russia Probe


Yo, Donald?

Pucker, motherf&cker.


Well gee, why all the extra help if there was NO COLLUSION?


This is a good sign that new leads are being followed as the investigation works as expected.


With so much rot to choose from how do you select what to prosecute?


Lawsuits that are motivated by politics.


Perhaps, but I suspect it’s just as much a sign that Mueller wants to spread the cases around, so Trump won’t be able to shut down the investigation by firing Mueller or any other single prosecutor.


I just hope I live long enough to listen to Mueller’s report/read the book/watch the movie because my gut tells me that this investigation will take down the largest criminal cabal in human history and expose to sunlight the dirtiest politics this nation, at least, has even endure.

A few bombshell indictments right about now would be much appreciated, Mr. Mueller…


I have a hunch when the indictments come it’ll be more like a carpet bombing than a few shots.

Trumpees will be frantically scurrying about like ants eager to tell what they know then.


No, what’s really going to be interesting is when the DOJ declines to bring charges against Trump for proven crimes. Then to be followed by the Senate’s failure to muster 67 impeachment trial votes to convict. Followed by Trump flipping off the nation and finishing his term. Followed by running again in 2020 and the GOP establishment enraging his rabidly committed base by attempting to defy him the nomination. GOP folds. Followed by Trump winning again in 2020.

You are laughing? Likely similar to chuckles you had in reaction to anyone predicting a Trump win in 2016.


No. Where did you get that impression? This is deadly serious.

I agree that this DOJ won’t bring charges and the senate won’t garner 67 votes to impeach. What I do predict, however, is that, if Fat Nixon still runs in 2020 - not a given at this time, especially if he can figure out how to keep all of his campaign contributions - another 'pub will run as a 3rd party candidate in order to prevent a 2nd term. Could be Kasich, could be someone else, but I do predict a 3rd party run designed specifically to peel away votes from Spanky.


At this point I would expand that command to quite a few other Republicans.


We have an aspiring dictator in the WH desperately trying to launch the Fourth Reich before Nov. 6th, and his supporters are eager for him to succeed. The GOP political whores have lost their party. The current choices are: Trump Fascist, Democrat, Democratic Socialist (Angry Bernie style), or out of politics. 13 GOP Congress Critters have already bailed, vs 5 Democrats, and 28 GOP vs 10 Democrats will leave politics for good in Nov. That’s 41 GOP vs 15 Democrats. Trump Facism at work.

Mr. Mueller is the largest roadblock standing in Orange Hilter’s way. That is a very delicate situation to be in. Mueller has to be mind blowingly careful, patient, clever, and thorough as he builds this case, spreads out the responsibly for the prosecutions it will require, and protects it from endless GOP sabotage, while also staying reasonably under Orange Hitler’s batshit crazy radar.

Bombshells at this point could blow this up. Not in a good way.


If that happens the Dems will most certainly have to similarly provoke a candidate to enter the fray that will drain votes from their camp. In the circus atmosphere we’re anticipating Bernie Sanders can assuredly siphon off the 5% of the electorate required to tank a Democrat’s prospects for winning.


I just hope that there are enough white boards, colored string and post-it notes, and a room the size of Madison Square Gardens to help track, keep track of all the relationships and dirty deeds/deals in this tangled web of corruption and greed.

I’m old school I need to see thing visually and not embedded and hyperlinked.


You gotta love that Mueller just keeps plugging along amid raucous cries from the rabid Right to ‘Finish up, dammit!’ and personal character assassination attacks.


I suspect that Mueller has a file, thin or bulging, on every single 'pub who has cried “Finish up, dammit!”


Ability to concentrate. Very common among champion types. There’ve been any number of studies of different aspects of it.


Followed by all Democrats being thrown in jail and tortured. Followed by a nuclear holocaust. Followed by the end of all life everywhere in the universe and an eternity of dead matter floating around aimlessly in the void.

Just you wait and see!


This is what I’m envisioning, but much bigger.

Artist Emil Lukas