OK… That’s it if Roy Moore is for him, then it’s over… since he carries so much weight with the Senate
Just what Kavanaugh needs, Roy Moore’s support!
Please proceed child molester, fired twice from the AL supreme court, and even sassy says"NO more!"
Sherif Arpaio up next, he can’t lose !
Great reference for Kavanaugh’s character. I think the Judicial Crisis Network should use him in their Kavanaugh cheerleading ads instead of that non-political woman – and coach – who vouches for him in the shallowest ad ever.
Mo(o)re please. (No, really. Keep talking, asshole.)
That’s the way to do it! Throw Kavanaugh an anchor! The biggest and best anchor!
Go for it Roy. In fact, demand to be heard. Show up on Monday in Washington and bear witness to the encroaching vile liberal agenda that proposes to force boys and men to behave. Tell your good buddy, Grassley to fix you up as a character witness for Kavanaugh.
Do it. You will be greeted as a liberator.
Roy Moore?
That titan of ethics and pillar of probity?
All you need to do is checkout his appearance with Sacha Baron Cohen…
TPM, you all are having way too much fun with your headlines.
Hey Roy - Sacha Baron Cohen’s camera’s rolling, were really the last ones you should stand before. Hope back on Sassy and ride on into the Alabama sunset. And stay there. Oh - but avoid the Gadsen Mall - some folks there still remember you.
Now that’s some rough horseplay.
What’s the difference between Brett Kavanaugh and Roy Moore?
After he graduated from high school, Kavanaugh gave up trying to rape 15-year-old girls.
Has Bill Cosby weighed in yet with his support for Kavanaugh?
I believe Ms. Riga has attained the title of “TPM’s Snarkiest Writer.” Congratulations, Kate!
He is booked to testify right after Harvey…
Roy Moore supports Kavenaugh. The judge must take heart knowing he has the pedophile vote.
What does Todd Akin think? Legitimate rapists have opinions too ya know.
An Alabama Southern Baptist endorsing a Catholic.
Never thought I’d see that. But I guess their attitudes toward women are similar.
Roy Moore speaks up just in case anyone is not 100% certain the GOP is the racist, pervert, rapists party. Thanks Roy.