Discussion: Moral Authority Roy Moore Urges GOP To ‘Take A Stand’ And Back Kavanaugh

I posted a link to this last night - last thing before I shut down.

Roy Moore vouched for him. BWAAAahahahaha


Always a bad sign when a pedophile is emboldened to publicly call for his brethren to ‘stand their ground’.

Stay classy, GOP.


Long time customer Don sent me some creepy stuff from a new movie being produced at Liberty University, the spawn of Jerry Falwell.

A guy named Mark Taylor believes that Donald Trump was sent by God to save all of creation and your happy butt, too. He’s probably wrong but he does have some interesting theories.

Opponents of the Great Hero Trump, Taylor says, are “not even human.” Their DNA, he reports, has been altered so that they are now “pure out evil” demonic creatures. These demonic non-humans, Taylor explains, “eat kids.” And because killing and eating children is illegal, Taylor says, the GHT will one day arrest them all.



Just what Kavanaugh was hoping for, I’m sure.


Ha! Birds of a feather…


Harvey Weinstein just added his support for Kavanaugh , too.


Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh’s interactions with 15 year old girls
Fully approved & endorsed by an expert on the subject … ROY MOORE


To quote Nathan Lane (and the late great Zero Mostel) in The Producers,

“Don’t help me”.


Kuh Reepie!!

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The Conservative Child Rape Club spokesman, Roy Moore has come out in support of newly discovered Child Rape talent, Brett Kavanaugh. Both Conservatives are highly regarded by the Conservative Christian movement for their willingness to impose ConservativeJe$us on all Americans!


We need a Rough Horseplay PAC to help Roy Moore campaign for Republicans everywhere.


Haha love the sarcasm in the headline. Moral authority indeed.

But it’s hard to be too gleeful, seeing as this awful Ahole could probably run again and win if he tried in a year even 1% worse for the generic-Dem candidate.


From a pure political analysis standpoint, the last 2 days may have been a net plus for the GOP in terms of locking in at least the image of party solidarity around a strategy to bully a sexual assault victim. At least from a theatrics and marketing perspective, they sure did a good job of demonstrating a commitment to damn the niceties and just vote to confirm! (except, they don’t have 50 committed votes and they’re losing potential Democratic votes…but that’s another issue).

Today, however, has been pretty bad for the GOP thus far. Roy Moore? Really, does anything more need to be said when Comrade Moore is an enthusiastic cheerleader for your guy? Then, Cristina King Miranda, the classmate of Ford who wrote on FB confirming that the incident was common knowledge contemporaneously, doubled down on that claim in a NPR interview. In addition, we’re seeing more friends of Ford come out and talk publicly about how this affected her life and how they support her. We’re also seeing a re-engineering of the #metoo movement as there are many more stories out there of sexual assault similar to what Ford experienced going viral on social media. In addition, more layers of the corrupt onion that is elite private school culture have been peeled back revealing that Kavanaugh and his close right wing pals did behave excessively and have carried that through into adulthood.

I will support whatever decision Professor Blasey Ford makes. She’s not our savior. However, if she were to show up at that hearing, it would be totally lit. She can own these punks and have a couple of drop the mic moments.


The not very Moral Majority and son of a preacher man Graham say if Kav isn’t confirmed tout de suite evangelicals may have no reason to turn out to vote.

“One of the political costs of failing to confirm Brett Kavanaugh is likely the loss of the United States Senate,” said Ralph Reed, the founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition who is in frequent contact with the White House.

“If Republicans were to fail to defend and confirm such an obviously and eminently qualified and decent nominee,” Mr. Reed added, “then it will be very difficult to motivate and energize faith-based and conservative voters in November.”

The evangelist Franklin Graham, one of Mr. Trump’s most unwavering defenders, told the Christian Broadcasting Network this week, “I hope the Senate is smarter than this, and they’re not going to let this stop the process from moving forward and confirming this man.”


Oh my god i hadn’t seen this! Yes!!! Boo blum!


He was a teen age rapist and the Old Boys wished him well.
Because that’s the only way he could get a mademoiselle.
But then she spoke up and they all put her through hell.
“C’est la vie”, say the old fucks, it goes to show you better not tell!


Graham must been dropped on his head as a baby.


JFC on a cracker


He must have because I’m pretty sure he has it all backwards.

If they confirm Kavanaugh before the midterms, why should those voters turn out ? There is nothing more for them to be concerned about. They got what they wanted so they’ll stay home.

That’s how I see it because that’s how people generally operate.


Graham also helpfully informed us that he “respected” the victim by not finishing.