Discussion: Moody's Analysis: Trump's Policy Plans Would Trigger A 'Lengthy Recession'

But the recession would create a lot of bargains for Trump to snatch up and make a lot of money, just like he bragged about doing in 2008.


I’m wondering when we’ll read the rebuttal from the Republicans that notes all the low and middle class workers who lose their jobs will be available to move to the fans and pick the produce that the illegal aliens would have. I expect a claim for increased worker efficiency and lower employment due to this shift…then they can go further and suggest a new name for this employment class: Surplus Employment Repurposed for Farming. The new SERF population can then take over all these menial tasks, leaving more time for the 1% to do the important things they do for the nation.


The analysis must be doubly mistaken since the average penis size at Moody’s is also smaller than Trump’s - albeit only if you also include Moody’s employees without penises in the average.

Moody’s is now banned from all rallies and press conferences! I never really like their Bible Institute anyway.


Seems to me that since Nixon any Republican’s election triggers a recession.

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Come on. Who wouldn’t attend a Mad-Eye Moody rally?

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Lengthy recession? More like a total collapse of the entire Republic we love.

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I assume Manafort will be the conduit Putin channels his illegal financing of the Trump campaign through? You know it’s coming.


An unnamed adviser to the Trump campaign … said that Trump will provide more details on his economic plans soon.

They’ve got the GOP playbook down cold: “honest! We’ll give you ALL the details… someday.”


Yeah, the same day it’s appropriate to even hint at talking about curbing gun violence, the polarization in politics, and hatred of the “other”.


Make our depressions great again!


Lucrative for Trump hardly translates to good for the economy unfortunately. And partnering with Vlad the Invader may be one of the worst ideas that Trump has had.

This is areal analysis, think about that. It’s Trump’s starting point, which once refined, could be a whole lot worse.

The ‘Trump’ golden recession sponsored by the USSR just isn’t real appealing.

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… yay?..

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It’s just an analysis, totally theoretical and therefore worthless.

Trump’s half baked, cock-eyed plans otoh are quite speculative and hinge on sheer magnanimity, which means that we only have to assume the best and block out shit like reality, so throw out the Moody rule and get on board the SS Unfuckingbelievable.


Moody’s Analysis: Trump’s Policy Is F^cking Nuts!

Otherwise he’s not going to get their point.


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I proclaim that America will move forward and therefore, WACKO Donald J Trump cannot be the President of the United States…


You guys are being too pessimistic. Think of all the opportunities of a bankruptcy, real estate seminar, and foreclosure-based economy.


[quote=“randyabraham, post:57, topic:39393”]
Think of all the opportunities of a bankruptcy, real estate seminar, and foreclosure-based economy.
[/quote]Losing by winning just doesn’t have the same good feel as winning by winning Randy, call me crazy.


Out of context put down of Sarandon.

The report also looked at scenarios in which Trump’s plans are not implemented to the fullest extent, potentially because he is hamstrung by Congress, in which case Trump’s policy proposals would have a less negative impact.

So this means if he is not President for one day there’d be zero negative impact on the economy. Why not just say that?