No, but they aren’t fully accounting for the Trump factor.
There would be a recession, but it would be the biggest, most amazing recession ever.
No, but they aren’t fully accounting for the Trump factor.
There would be a recession, but it would be the biggest, most amazing recession ever.
And how would the outcome be any different from the economic plans* put forth by Paul Ryan or any other Republican. What makes Trump special?
*magic asterix
Every time a new person or group takes a shot at Trump, I’m reminded of this motivational poster that belongs at Trump HQ:
The “Extinction Event.” The Republisaurs shrieked in helpless terror at the giant orange meteor plunging toward the earth.
Consumers will just have to write off most of our expenses like Trump has when he’s hit the skids in his past? And we can always print our own money as he also advocates?
you obviously were suffering some form of affective disorder. hope you are feeling better.
FYI, taping one onto a hamster doesn’t tell you whether it’s happy or not.
“A person close to the Trump campaign said such analyses rested on flawed assumptions about policies that haven’t been fully fleshed out by the campaign.”
To call Trump’s economic policies batsh*t crazy is completely unfair.
To bats.
And sh*t.
And crazies.
is that fuzzy math? the republicans keep using it and it totally befuddles me. do i need to go back to college and get a couple more business degrees?
It didn’t really help the hamsters’ disposition either, but as long as there was no duct tape in the mix, they were good.
Moody’s is a mess. All the ratings agencies are in a pickle of conflicts. But anyone who trashes Trump is a friend of mine.
it’s a question of degree. there’s your deep recession. then you got your not since the last depression. then you get to trump’s economy. truly cataclysmic, off the charts, holy fuck stuff.
You are right, just ask Sam Brownback. Oh, sorry, the Kansas economy is going down in flames because businesses are leaving in droves. It seems they all like government services–roads, schools, etc. All that boring stuff Arthur Lauffer and Ayn Rand ignored.
“Moody’s Analysis: Trump’s Policy Plans Would Trigger A ‘Lengthy Recession’”
Wait, isn’t that for each and every repuke president?
Let’s see which repuke presidents caused recession/depression, shall we.
Eight of the last nine recessions have been under Republican presidents
1923-1924 Recession
Calvin Coolidge (R, 1923-1929)
1929-1933 Great Depression
Herbert Hoover (R, 1929-1933)
1953-1954 Recession
Dwight Eisenhower (R, 1953-1961)
1973-1975 Oil Crisis Recession
Richard Nixon (R, 1969-1974, resigned from office) during this period.
Gerald Ford (R, 1974-1977)
1981-1982 Recession
Ronald Regan (R 1981-1989)
1991-1992 Recession
George H.W. Bush (R 1989 -1993)
2001-2003 Recession
George W. Bush
2007-2008 Credit Crisis Recession
George W. Bush.
Oh and look. Three under bushes, and look we gave W two goes at it.
Elizabeth Warren on Scott and Donald…
Natch I’m concerned about any rodent comparisons, but this heah is great:
“I hear Donald Trump is floating Scott Brown as a possible running mate,” Warren told the New Hampshire Democratic faithful. “And I thought, ‘Ah, so Donald Trump really does have a plan to help the unemployed.’”
“You know, Scott Brown for Vice President makes sense,” Warren added about a prospective match-up between Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Clinton. “Let’s face it: Nobody knows more about losing to a girl than Scott Brown. It’s the perfect reality TV show ticket – ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ meets the ‘Biggest Loser.’”
Shorter Moody’s: Smoot-Hawley redux is an economy-buster. (Oh – and trickle-down tax cuts don’t work either.)
Nope. 1000% correct about NJ.
The economists drew four basic conclusions about the impact of Trump’s plans: a less global economy, larger government debt, a weaker economy with higher unemployment, and benefits mostly for high-income Americans.
Other than that, everything would be fine.