Discussion for article #227050
Jeebus. That might mark the tipping point (not that the resignation itself is likely to be that influential, but that having somebody that central jump ship this late is bad, bad news for an incumbent).
Ole Mitch is having a bad week. Too bad, how sad.
Come on in folks…comment box is now in fully operational mode. Weird blip it seems.
That aside, McConnell needs to get rid of that deputy campaign manager too if Rachel Maddow plans to stay on the case…and you know she will. Guess McConnell found that the heat wasn’t worth it and got out of the kitchen. What a poor sense of judgement McTurtle has. Hope his constituents see what kind of low-lifes he hires.
Benton is a hired political gun from the Paul’s camp. It is poetic justice that his past shines on Mitch who hired him to conduct a scorched earth campaign. I hope this is the straw that broke the turtle’s back.
Yertle the Turtle is going DOWN!
“inaccurate press accounts and unsubstantiated media rumors.” Isn’t that SOP for the GOP? Shoe hurts on the other foot huh?
Rachel exposed the story two days ago … turtles are so darn slow!
Just as the GOP recycles old, outdated, and ridiculous policies (anybody seen a Death Panel or any benefit from that "trickle-down theory?) they also recycle the same clowns and crooks. Sooner or later all that inbreeding has to bite.
About a year ago audio surfaced of Benton saying that he was “holding his nose for two years” by working with McConnell to help Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in 2016 surfaced.
Thanks for the reminder.
Mitch, enjoy your declining years while you’re healthy.
Judging by the photo, turtle shit must reek to high heaven.
I seem to remember something along those lines too when McConnell inherited Paul’s guy. It was originally thought to be a magnanimous move on Paul’s part to help out McConnell since their Republicanism was thought to be of two different types. But this guy was with Ron Paul. Did he also work for poodlehead?
Yep and Ron Paul is in danger of having his past presidential campaigns scrutinized for criminal activities. I read an article estimating the money Benton, who I think is married to Ron Paul’s daughter, siphoned from Ron’s campaign; the racist newsletter and the Rand Paul senate campaign. Paying hush money, stealing and laundering money. Rand might have to take cover now.
Edited: Married to Ron Paul’s granddaughter.
Yeah. Sorenson pleaded guilty because of “inaccurate press accounts.” I guess Mitch decided the Labor Day Weekend was a nice low-profile time to let go of his own own nose.
The ALG campaign better jump on this quick, start shelling out the campaign ads.
Send McConnell back to Kentucky for some of that thar “Deliverance” treatment he so richly deserves.
I’ve been following this story all day and I have one question: is it wrong that I’m laughing?
The Courier Journal has been sending out alerts about this all day. They’re all over it. Quietly, I think the CJ (largest paper in KY) editorial board wants McConnell gone more than I do, and that’s saying something.
He’s Ron Paul’s son in law, which is what makes it even funnier. McConnell hired that piece of shit in order to innoculate himself against a TP challenger but now he’s got the stench all over him. I’m very interested to hear how Rand Paul feels about his niece’s husband being (probably) kicked off the campaign. Paul’s a sensitive little bitch so I’m sure it won’t go over well.
Looks like in November, you’ll be laughing some more as Mitch gets news that his time in Washington will finally be over. Saw the ALG video on LOD and I think she can actually send Mitch to retirement.