Discussion: Mitch McConnell Is Clearly Tired Of Answering For Trump

Hard to quit when attacking minorities IS his message.

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Are the conservative voters, or more importantly, Donald Trump, going to be corralled and subjugated by the Washington elite they and Ted Cruz fought so hard against?

One side or the other is the wimp in the conservative movement. Which is it — the Tea Party or the Washington career politicians?

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McConnell and his tea bag party are getting exactly what they asked for! May they all choke on it.

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“What I said was that I was worried that we would do to the Latino vote what was done to the African-American vote by defining our party in such a way that we could not reach out to what has become the nation’s largest minority group,” McConnell said. “I am worried about that.”

That’s a little wordy and off the mark. Let me revise that for you. Try this on: “It’s wrong to judge or condemn people based on race or ethnicity.”

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Time to stop exposing the true heart of the GOP he means.

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Doesn’t McConnell understand that when his constituents praise Trump for his “anti-PC” attitude, racist bullcrap is exactly what they’re taking about?


It’s always about winning with Mitch. To hell with principle, with right and wrong, all that matters is “getting on message,” as if he were scolding a member of the debate team for costing them points in the state finals. What a hollow soul this man must have.


Sure, the Stormfronters are his most loyal bloc of supporters.

Sure, Mitch, whatever you say–you have set such a fine example of good governance for All of the People (or at least the the wealthy, hyper religious or bigoted white folks) in serving as Senate Minority and Minority Leader.

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What I said was that I was worried that we would do to the Latino vote what was done to the African-American vote by defining our party in such a way that we could not reach out to what has become the nation’s largest minority group.

“Was done to the vote”? No, YOU did that. YOUR PARTY did that. Nobody else “defined your party” – YOUR PARTY explicitly welcomed racists and coddled and affirmed them and made them a key part of the party. The GOP has been the racist party for 50 years, and that was intentional and by choice.

Look at that construction: “I was worried that we would do to the Latino vote what was done to the African-American vote.” He really wanted to be honest, and he set up the sentence to acknowledge what they did to the African-American vote, but chickened out.

What a douche.

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Yeah, um, good luck with that, Yurtle.

To re-coin a stupid catch-phrase and now regarding the Trump Republican candidacy: You built that. And the problem isn’t what Trump is saying, it’s what he believes and what you and your party support.

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I was worried that we would do to the Latino vote what was done to the African-American vote.

Now wait just a second Mitch, I clearly remember Republicans saying multiple times the reason the Blacks vote for Dems is because they GIVE THEM STUFF.

So now you’re saying that’s not true?


Oh, Yertle. You’re such a fucking putz!

The Halloween flaming bag of dogshit lands on the doorstep of the GOP, and no amount of stomping on It is going to put it out.
And there’s no “both sides do it !” media escape hatch on this one, motherfuckers! You built this, and I hope against hope that every one of you fucks has to get on their knees and beg for mercy after the election in November, especially that smarmy fuck Paul Ryan.


“It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups within the country and get on message,”

Except Trump is being “on message” for your party since Nixon. Just a little too much “on message”.

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One wonders what “message” he imagines Trump would be “on”?

The other parts of Trump’s standard stump tirades are not terribly popular with the Establishment and the VSCP (Very Serious Conservative People).

He is not opposed to Social Security and Medicare.
He expresses hostility to Wall Street.
He opposes free trade deals.
He wants to end the “carried interest” loophole, and is hostile to people with large incomes paying virtually no taxes.

Well he does want to slash taxes otherwise, especially at the top, including eliminating the estate tax.

That must be it. McConnell want’s him to campaign just on the tax cut plan.

Yeah, that’s the ticket:


You own him Mitch. Trump is your baby now. Enjoy
((pop corn munching sounds))
nom nom nom…


Nixon was more subtle.

Dear FSM, I’ve lived too long. I would not have dreamed I could’ve made a statement like that…ever.


You’ve lived long enough that Nixon and Reagan have become Liberals (based on their actual policies and actions, compared to current right-wing orthodoxy).


That Nixon and Reagan would have been expelled from today’s GOPer party because they were too liberal? GD, I’m living in Franco’s Spain.