Discussion: Mitch McConnell Is Clearly Tired Of Answering For Trump

Trump isn’t changing. He can’t. How believable is it every single significant GOP office holder, along with minor luminaries, are going to put up with the daily barrage of questions and needling by the press and Trump’s opponents? Every day, month after month, for five months? It’ll be like breaking rocks in the gulag. They’ll crack.


Hmmm…gotta dig out that magnifying glass — I’ve mislaid the violin I wanted to give McTurtle…


Dontcha just love it???


Poor Yertle. If only he were a teenager and a ninja he could go all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on those pesky reporters.


It’s like setting a mountain of tires on fire–gonna burn and stink for a long time.


If he doesn’t want to hear more talk about Trump, why doesn’t he change the subject. If he called hearings for Judge Merrick Garland the press would forget about Trump for at least a week.


“McConnell appeared to be increasingly fed up with answering for his party’s presumptive nominee."

I guess Trump’s boast during the primary was true.

The GOP is getting sick of all this “winning”.

“I don’t have anything to add.”

Sums up Mitch’s entire political tenure.

Or the GOP’s for that matter.


it’s like these guys are completely in denial about the product they’ve been selling for 40 years. Trump is just truth in advertising for the Republican Party.


[“It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups within the country and get on message,” McConnell said.]

Attacking the entire middle class, instead…


Fortunately, all Yertel has to do is pull his head back into his shell.


Hey, Mitch. You broke it, you bought it, jagoff. Deal with it. And if you can’t stand the heat, quit with the bitchin’.

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hey Mitch politics is a bitch and now

your new name is Politics as usual

ya gotta lot to answer for

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Well that settles it.

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So Mitch, have you found Herr Trump to be more reasonable as he has acquired more power? Do you think he is going to get better when he puts on the POTUS mantle?

Time to retreat to those smokey rooms and come up with ‘Plan B’?

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It’s a Feature, not a Bug.


So, now “It’s time to stop attacking minorities”… not when Mexicans were tagged as rapist and murderers, or African-Americans as thugs, or Muslims as terrorists…

Stupid question: Why did it take so long?


But what about his voterssssss!!! Why do you hate America, Mitch McConnell!!!


TPM Frontpage Clickbait Headline:

Mitch McConnell To Trump: ‘Time To Quit’ Attacking Minorities

Until after the election. Right Mitch?

“It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with
or various minority groups within the country and get on message,” McConnell said.

Until after the election. Right Mitch?

“I really don’t have anything to add beyond my disapproval
of what has been said on all of these issues.”

Until after the election. Right Mr Senate Minority Leader?



And to be frank, I’m not sure why the press is acting like Trump is some wierd anomally . Have they not been paying attention the last 8 years where many Republicans accused Obama of being a Muslim, not Christian and therefore not really American because his dad is Kenyan…"
Oh and what about SCJ Sotomayer? When she was nominated, they questioned whether she would be objective because she was a member of LaRaza years ago.

I keep saying this but what Trump is saying is NOTHING brand new from members of the Party, from members of Congress. They found ways to be ambiguous with what they were saying but many people - those that supported what they were saying and those of us that were repulsed - heard the dog whistles loud and clear. McConnell better get used to answering questions about the person him and people in his Party endorsed. Harry Reid is right; they made him, they are responsible too. They could have stopped this nonsense shortly after Pres. Obama was elected and there were stories about his birth certificate, his citizenship, whether he was a Christian…alll that. Instead they stayed silent and played up the conspiracy theories.

They built this! Hope they enjoy their creation.