Discussion: Mitch McConnell Is Clearly Tired Of Answering For Trump

You just know they were told exactly who to stand next to in advance.
And they did too.







Mark Kirk
Mark Kirk – Verified account ‏@MarkKirk

Given my military experience, Donald Trump does not have the temperament to command our military or our nuclear arsenal.
12:39 PM - 7 Jun 2016

While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in November. I do not intend to comment on this matter any further. With all of the thousands of people who have given the courses such high marks and accolades, we will win this case!

Donald J. Trump

He'll abide by that personal committment for about 2 days, tops.
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Poor Mitch McConnell. He has been dog whistling his racism against the President for 8 years. He is really good at laying Republican bigotry between the lines. Along comes the madman Trump screaming racist rants from the mountaintops. The Republican base loves Trump for it. He is authentic they say. He tells it like it is they say. McConnell must feel his carefully polished dog whistling racist skill set has lost all its value.


“Now is not the time for attacking minorities,” declared the majority leader. “Save that for after the election,” he whispered as he stepped away from the podium.

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McConnell is a hypocrite. After years of the Republican party attacking minorities they’re trying to act like none of that ever happened and Trump, by the way has a valid case against this La Raza racist judge, because the Judge is a racist…he favors Hispanics or Mexicans. Is it alright to say Mexican here? The Republicans are a disgrace. They’re only worried about their own jobs.

“For his part, McConnell did double down on his argument that Trump could alienate the GOP from Latino voters for generations to come.”

If the GOP is unable or unwilling to disassociate themselves from Trump then they deserve to be alienated for generations to come. Just “expressing my disapproval” isn’t enough when your actions speak louder than your words. If you’re supporting him for president then you are supporting the complete package.

Including all the racism, misogyny, egotism and bigotry. You can’t pick and choose. Either you endorse him or you don’t. If you do, then you own him.

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Hammer meet nail. You just nailed it.

“…in public. Do it in private like I always do, Donald.”

The Turtle isn’t fooling any of us with such a statement. I bet they both laughed about it on the phone while deciding what to do and say next. Trump’s surrogates and the GOP leadership are the biggest losers he could ever have assembled to defend him.


“It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups within the country and get on message,” McConnell said.

But that’s precisely the message that got him the GOP nomination! And well-deserved.


Dear Senator McConnell,

Donald Trump does not listen to you.


Everyone Who Sees Through You


So says the slimy turtle among the #47Traitors.

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Hey everybody, be careful not to step in the pokeyoakey or you’ll track it all through the thread…

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Mitch is half right. “Time to quit.”

That goes for him and die Trumper.

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“It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups within the country and get on message,” McConnell said.

Ha ha ha. In other words, stop saying racist crap outright and use dog whistles like I do and the rest of the GOP has for a half a century now. Also, maybe McConnell should look in a mirror, his entire Senate strategy has been to stop the first black President from succeeding and it’s not all about ideology, they knew if a black community organizer succeeded where a white business man failed (Bush) it would have been the end of the GOP in modern politics.


“It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups within the country and get on message,” McConnell said.

Ummm… that is the message.


Majority leader McConnell said “It’s time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups within the country and get on message,” followed by “we have much better and subtler ways of getting the homophobic, xenophobic and racist voters that we have perfected over the years. Stop ruining it for us by being so obvious, everyone is noticing what we are really about.”

Poor Yertle is going to find out that his criticism is very comforting to Trump. It allows Trump to get back into the familiar mode of attacking the GOP establishment.

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