Discussion: Mitch McConnell Does Worry Trump Could Be The GOP's Next Goldwater

To a Dumpster supporter… It will not matter WHO it is —

To me … If Jesus the Christ himself decended just so He could join D T on the republican ticket … I would be the first to jump my happy ass into the lake-o-fire rather than vote for that " thing " —

I’d rather lose a limb … suffer through leprosy … have my eyes gouged out …
I’d rather wake up and find that I have married the proverbial “fat lady” after some fit of dementia and she’s actually singing ! …

I bet he picks Scrooge McDuck ! —


McConnell is seriously saying that the reason African-Americans don’t vote Republican is because of Goldwater’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act? What about the Southern Strategy? What about the reaction of every Republican politician to Furgeson? What about the fact that the Republican Congress has not passed a fix to the Republican Supreme Court’s gutting the Voting Rights Act? What about Republican state legislatures and governors across the country making it harder for black people to vote? No, Mitch, it’s not Goldwater’s fault. It’s your fault.


Well, then there’ll be two cartoon characters on the ticket. :slight_smile:


I dunno. I am Latino and grew up with the same machismo cultural codes and sensibilities as you suggest. First of all, at least half of the Latino population in any particular state are women. And since Feminism has been a thing in Latino communities since at least the early 70’s, I think your analysis ignores a critical mass of the Latino vote. To the extent that there is an element of the Latino male population who are misogynists and Right wingers (just like in the White male demographic that supports Trump and hates the Democratic Party), it is probably a minority of the Latino vote in any location except Miami, where an aging and dwindling minority of the Cuban exile community havent voted for a Democrat since JFK refused to provide air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion he inherited from the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration. If you want a caricature stereotype of the white male demographic I am referring to, please see Clint Eastwood making a fool of himself during Romney’s nomination convention.


Or if Hillary is a bridge to far, vote Gary Johnson and tell your buddies to vote glibertarian this round, too. If Johnson drains off even 10% of the Grand Ol’ Poo Party vote, I think Clinton wins in a landslide. Bernie Bros might vote Green, but I don’t think our extremists are as scared of Hillary as the handful of semi-sane Republicons are afraid of the Drumpfenfurher.

Turtle man has another sad.


Trump/Eastwood — Making America exceptional again.

Oy vey, will we be exceptional!

Remember how the Group of Seven used to be the Group Eight before Putin went batshit in Crimea. It will become the Group of Six soon after Trump gets into office.

Your comment jacksonhts, was very good and informative. Thanks.

I honestly think Mitch will keep up appearances and “endorse” Herr tRumpf, then privately and quietly vote for Hillary in the hopes Herr tRumpf loses big time. Then he can claim he supported the nominee. Having it both ways is Mitch’s main claim to fame.

Voted for LBJ-- over Goldwater’s Civil Rights stance.
Now there’s a lie of convenience, if ever there was one.



I agree completely and was considering answering with some sort of post like that but I’m not Hispanic. I’m white and American Indian but I grew up with a very mixed group of kids and their families and dated a Chicano girl for 6 years. I know how they think and to this day they lean on me to check the American perspective.

The women may seem subservient but they get tough real fast and straighten their men out. That I’ve seen numerous times.

Ya think?

Who do you think will replace him, Nancy again or Harry?

I wouldn’t mind new blood or Nancy personally.

This, coming from the odious little man who is the GOP’s McConnell!

It’s time for the voters to hand McConnell a box of Depends and send him away to a rocker at the old fuck’s home.

The Republican elite still don’t get it. Trump is unifying the party.

Around hatred for other Americans, the same way McConnell and the elite have teased for decades. Trump’s just being explicit. McConnell is simply urging Trump to be more cryptic about it.

Will Trump cave to losers?


The Latino community is a diverse one, way more than just those folks from Mexico. My reference comes from my friends and the fact that where I live is 35% Latino and is strongly against Trump. I live close to the Mexican border and what we hear from Mexico is very much anti-Trump from a former President of the country on down. Your description of machismo and the desire for a Caudillo is accurate to an extent.

Right. The way you sonsofbitches have governed since 1964 has absolutely nothing to do with attitudes of African Americans towards your party. If only that goddamned Goldwater wasn’t so outspoken about it!

That’s the problem with living an insular existence. McConnell assumes that everyone is as stupid and inattentive as the people with whom he surrounds himself. But we don’t need a Goldwater or a Trump to smell the stench of their strategy of divide-and-conquer. Trump just makes it a teeny bit harder for the media to refuse calling it what it is.

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And the Republic party captured the southern racist white vote. “Hunting where the ducks are,” as Barry put it


GOP: The stench, the stench!

No, the elephant was laying on his (her?) side with her back to The Hair. But thanks for looking!

Well, your man Trump has already said “I’m a uniter, not a divider,” so wtf is the problem, Mitch? Don’t believe him?

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