Discussion for article #228818
Look into my dead lifeless eyes and I will reveal to you the depths of my stupidity.
Wow, that’s not treasonous at all.
Because demanding the military overthrow our constitutional form of government, which immediately establishes a military dictatorship, has no “ill intent” whatsoever.
Yes, the Constitution specifically gives the military the authority to overthrow the government. It’s right there in the document, isn’t it? Article 8- Military Coups.
Right…does this twit know what a military coup is and how they’re accomplished or is she admitting she doesn’t and was just mindlessly parroting something she heard at the weekly Klan meeting? What she really meant, once you strip away any and all sophistry, etc., is the following: “OMG GET THAT FUCKING N-BOMB OUT OF MY WHITE HOUSE!!!”
And why the fuck did nobody as k her to point to the part of the Constitution where it says “if the military doesn’t like it’s negro CiC, it may kill him at whim”?
Clearly the Republican Party is full of constitutional scholars… from this nitwit, through various statewide officials, up to the US Congress and Senate, and even the sitting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Scholars one and all, and intelligence experts and epidemiologists to boot.
Missouri - the hateful gift that keeps on giving. Gee, if the Secret Service actually gave a rat’s ass about protecting the president, they’d probably think about having a little talk with this wench. But they don’t and they won’t.
No, it isn’t treasonous.
But it is seditious.
Textbook Sedition.
I hope she enjoys the visit from the Secret Service.
Dunnegan publicly calls for the violent assassination of the sitting President through military coup. Shouldn’t the FBI be on their way to her house to arrest her for treason and sedition?
So, is she talking about a legitimate coup or the other kind? Cuz, my understanding is the government has a way to shut that whole thing down.
She’s a typical right-wing shitwesel, but what she said is not treason.
Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution—to prevent it from being used as a catch-all charge against people the government dislikes for one reason or another.
In addition to setting up our judicial system, Article III of the Constitution (in Section 3) sets out the definition of treason and the punishment for it.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."
Nothing that this stupid bigot said rises anywhere close to that definition.
What she said was seditious, and should be prosecuted.
In a Facebook post last week, Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds Debbie Dunnegan referred to Obama as "our domestic enemy,"
See? You guys are making something out of nothing!
When you refer to someone as a “domestic enemy”, you’re really complimenting them.
And when she says she doesn’t understand why no one has not taken action against him, she merely means she can’t fathom why no one sends him candy and flowers.
Just because she kinda sorta implied that Obama needs to be killed by the military doesn’t mean she wants Obama killed by the military.
Libruls are so sensitive! Why are you soooo intolerant of her views on American military action against our president? Where are her First Amendment rights>???
Actually, calling for a coup is treason. Given that we keep seeing this extreme nonsense from conservatives, I have to conclude something about Obama drives out all remnant of rationality.
I’m marveling. It’s like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon for the first time, trying to take in the vastness and depth of the stupidity and ignorance. And there are millions of people like this. It’s mind-boggling.
There are 3 ways to remove a president from office:
Election - The president can be removed by the people if said president seeks a second term and the people do not want him as president.
Impeachment by majority vote of the House and conviction by two-thirds majority of the Senate.
The Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet send written notice to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives that the President is incapable of discharging their duties.
In all three cases, the Vice PResident takes over.
Ms. Dunnegan would do well if she would simply refresh her memory as to the constitutional methods for the removal of a president.
Maybe she thinks the birth certificate is legitimate? She’s a records person, after. So that’s something, right?
No, it is not treason—see my comment above.