Discussion: Missouri Lt. Gov Criticizes Mizzou Protests: 'We Are Not Racists' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #242807

The ® after your name disagrees.


“Missourians are tired of this,”

So stop being racists.

Problem solved, Jethro.


Watch iT LIBtard. NOT only are THERE maNY BlaCKS that GO TO MIZZOU THERE Are ALSO lots OF BLAcks that LIVE IN Missouri and THEY WOUldn"T DO that IF MISsoriaNS were RACIst. Also, PEte KINder has A black FRIEND!11!!!one!1!1!!!


The next governor of Missouri

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This sure sounds like a campaign speech.


“Missourians are tired of this,” he said.

By Missourians, of course, he means white Republicans. Those other people just don´t belong there.

What a loathsome dick.


I guess all those protesting denizens of U.Mo.-Columbia have been misled then, eh?

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“Missourians are tired of this,” he said.

Now you know how Tammy the Stripper felt when you were stalking her.


Aren’t the protesters Missourians? Does not their voices and opinions count?


Kinder cited numerous black leaders on campus, including former university President Elson Floyd, football player Michael Sam, and Mizzou student body president and homecoming king Payton Head.

Kinder elaborated: “Now I don’t think that is the profile of a campus that is in the grip of systemic racism.”

He also offered proof of a lack of racism on campus because Jonathan Butler, the black graduate student who went on a hunger strike, came “from a wealthy family that could have sent him to any school on the planet” but still he went to Mizzou.

Because he of course knows better than the actual students on campus, that are minorities, what the minority experience is like. Also, can we please stop pointing to the occasional successful, and/or popular minority , in an industry, or at school as evidence that there is no discrimination to be found for anyone else not in that lofty position? Like it’s unusual that athletes in general and treated a bit better than the regular students. As for his second “point”, I don’t even know where to begin with that idiocy.


I think the reason you knee jerk condemn efforts like these is you are a racist. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be sensitive about that angle.


Let’s hope Missourians get their collective act together and not go there. Fingers crossed, wishing Missourians well here.

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“We are not racists!” …said the liar.

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This is another one of those “To deny it is to confirm it” stories!!


“If it doesn’t exist in my mind, then it just does not exist.”

I came in late to this story, around the time the president was resigning. And I have not found any articles that talk about exactly what is being protested. I keep hearing references to systematic racism and microagressions, but without context, those words aren’t helpful. Can anyone point me toward an article that gives me some useful background? This sort of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but the media sure seems to be reporting it that way.

He regrets welcoming the new president. What kind of jerk says that?

Missourians are tired of this. More accurate would be to say that the people who are “tired of it” are actually terrified by it. The black students just realized their power. Threats of losing your scholarship or ruining your future have been exposed as hollow. “Pull their scholarships” is my favorite Conservative meme.

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Actually a lot of Republicans would tell you that MUSL and UMKC are for those other people. Rolla is for the space cadets. Columbia is for their kids.

Seriously, the MU Columbia campus has a reputation for being a major party school. It caters to the pampered kids of families who live in white suburban enclaves. A lot of white Republicans are upset that the few blacks on the Columbia campus are so uppity.