Discussion: Militiaman Launches Campaign Encouraging More Ranchers To Stop Paying Grazing Fees

A funny thing happens when you don’t pay your grazing fees. When you quit the government…the government quits you.

The state veterinarian stops signing your health certificates and brucellosis papers.

The Livestock Brand Commission Check-In Sheets that are obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Brand Inspector records…are no longer available to you.

So essentially, you end up with a lot of cows you can’t sell on the open market.

Additionally, if you decide to run a slaughter operation and sell meat, you’ll have a hell of a time getting the FDA to inspect your product.

My advice to ranchers wishing to follow these imbeciles over the edge of the canyon…turn back and REALLY THINK about what would happen if government agencies refused to serve you.


Moreover, cattle rustling has been a problem for years and years. You’ll never guess who the welfare ranchers call when they discover their livestock have vanished.


The White Entitlement Compliance Officers in the local Sheriff’s office?


Got a question LaVoie, since you seem to hate the Federal Government so damn much … do you pay your income tax like a good boy? Or is your dislike limited to grazing fees? Ya know, LaVoie, you could supplement your cattle herd’s diet of free government grass with some hay on occasion. I’m sure they would appreciate the snack. But oh damn, that’s right… ya gotta buy that hay don’cha? Well, problems, problems.


First David Bowie, now Glenn Frey. Damn!



Yes. And i insist the Federal Government give me all the land on Pearl Harbor, as I’m in desperate need of a vacation. I’ve also gotten all my family members to sign my petition, so case closed.


Well there it is then, monarch!

Feek Yew King Obummer!!


Perhaps it is time for a Federal land sale. A test would be required, first. Call it the “Bundy Land Act.” * Auction off the Federal land around the Bundy Ranch in 1 square mile parcels. (640 acres) Use the proceeds to pay off the Federal debt.

If bids are received, and payment made (Cash Only) everyone should be happy, right? Heavy hand of the Federal government removed, land placed on the local property tax rolls and Federal Debt lowered. Win, win, win.

  • Not sure if it should be called the Al, Ted or McGeorge Bundy Land Act.

So who owns the expensive Mercedes van in the background? Chic, but not exactly vox populi.


I don’t think the men with guns would permit that.

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Meh. Merely inciting theft. The sedition doesn’t come until the Feds come to drive off the cows or collect on the judgment.

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This is just now hitting the teletypes in newsrooms all 'crost 'Murica

Manly Radical Constitutional Scholars Fending fer Theyselves to Fend off Starvation!

Bundy Cites Natrr’l Lawz in call to Arms


Wow , pretty cool action figures. So the poor guys at Malheure are survivin’ on road kill? No wonder they’re askin’ fer cheese doodles and oreos.


In the midwest, cattlemen pay the going rate to private landowners. If you don’t pay for this year, someone else’s cows will be there next year. These guys are freeloaders and make the rest of the industry look bad.


Swear to God I’m feeling old right about now
First Bowie and now Glen Frey. And it’s only January.



C’mon now … you know how cattlemen feel about shepherds. Well… at least how it was portrayed in western movies.

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Live hard; die younger?

My question is, what the hell did we do before the government got in the business of shaking down ranchers for FDA “signing off” on their products? Was there really that much of a problem? I ask this because i do not know and trust you do.

The feds should just put a lien on the property of anybody not paying their grazing fees. Probably would raise havoc with deadbeat ranchers who want loans, could not sell without clearing the debt, and of course their children would not inherit; the ranch would be sold unless the inheritors could pay up on the spot when daddy dies. Heck, this would be a good way for the feds to assume ownership of all the land they don’t already own.