Discussion for article #244834
Woo boy, let’s incite more sedition. Sounds like a fool-proof plan, Leroy.
The thing that really makes me want to puke about these asswipes is that the fees for grazing cows on federal land is a tiny fraction of what private landowners charge.
I think it’s time to nip his beliefs in the bud. I can appreciate that he believes that he and other ranchers have a greater sense of ownership that the general public but where and how does this all end?
Perhaps the federal government really should do the right thing and cede ownership of vast tracts of western lands back to their original occupants. Native American tribes.
I’m all for it. You stop paying grazing fees, and we simply set up a new hunting license for cattle on public land. This would help reduce the population of invasive cattle, as well as provide food for anyone who wants to go hunt the cows themself.
If your cow eats my grass, pay me or I kill the cow and eat it.
“Welfare Queens,” White Privilege Style.
Yup! Just replace your moo cows with foster care children and collect some real government loot.
Next, they’re going to start shooting people who want to graze sheep.
If you don’t pay your grazing fee, you best be prepared to defend your cattle from government confiscation. It’s well established that armed confrontation will allow you to keep your cattle.
A commentator on NPR was saying the other day that the federal government actually gives steep discounts to these guys.
That island where the Statue of Liberty is has an amazing view of lower Manhattan. I’m going to build a house there. It belongs to me now.
May I offer these bozos a really loud FUCK YOU!!???
They want something for nothing. Grifters, all of them.
They should go pull down those retard “Harney County Resource Center” signs while they’re there.
And the rest of us should give you OUR LAND because you have weapons and you want it? Here in the city that’s called armed robbery, pal.
What’d you say we go to the Bundy and Levoy ranches this weekend with our Weber grills and offer free BBQ to everyone. Plenty of beef to go around. Should be a hoot.
Let Freeloading Ring!
They currently pay $1.69 per head for federal grazing while private landowners charge $20-plus. No welfare there, huh?
I’d have to drive through Shiner, TX. I’ll bring a few kegs of Shiner Bock