This poor fool was just standing up for his Constitutional right of ‘freedumb’ speech. The clown show grows more and more each day. We are certainly witness to very strange times.
I didn’t get that either…
While parsing an idiot can be problematic, I’m assuming this was a moronically veiled attempt to threaten Reid with Nazi soap manufacture???
These freedom loving non-taxpaying libertarians assembled at the Bundy ranch and now implementing checkpoints on the roads of the town: well, they are SO RESPECTFUL, PEACEFUL AND LOVING!!! (irony alert)
Thank you Republican Party for throwing gasoline on the amber’s of hate that fuel the right wing lunatic fringe groups like the Bundy brigade. Without the encouragement, and validation from the republican party these groups would not feel it was perfectly acceptable to spew their disgusting rhetoric in such a public manner. I mean threatening to start a civil war, really? Thanks GOP members for lifting the rock these despicable cretins crawled out from under only to inflict their shit for brains ideology on the American people.
Don’t fear The Reaper.
These militia gangs are really all about money and keeping that sweet NRA money flowing into their coffers. I mean Bundy is a millionaire who probably gets supplemented for many of his finances from the NRA. I don’t know why the FBI doesn’t look into this. Why are the militia defending Bundy so hard unless the NRA is funding them. Who is supplying the money for feeding all these people?? Shouldn’t the NRA be taxed on all this money going out to these groups and to Bundy. Bundy should be taxed.
Yawn…last week you were banished as IamJohnGalt. This week you’ll be banished as FreeDumb4Me. Which one of your sock puppet accounts will you try next week old fool? HEY I GOT IT!!!
How about MenWillBeFree??? Try that one ok??
Your life has to be the saddest and most piteous of anyone in your nursing home.
It’s not snark. This is a recurring troll with many sockpuppets. But he’s easily recognizable 'cause he posts the same stuff over and over.
Indeed. I think it all goes back to the Fox Effect. Not so long ago, these people either didn’t have a national stage or simply weren’t this radicalized or kept it to themselves. This is now like watching a two year old have a tantrum, only the two year old has enough self-awareness to eventually calm down and go play. Not these people, they’re just going to keep kicking and screaming until they’re dead.
No one thinks you have a clue.
Just saw that this sockpuppet is banned until 2015. But he has others he uses.
Possible new sockpuppets are:
Apparently it has something to do with a story out of the Civil War:
Vanderboegh told the legend of an Alabama woman who hunted down federal agents who supposedly murdered her family during the post-reconstructin era, killed them, and turned their skulls into a soap dish.
Also, if any of these militia are getting their meals paid or getting paid for anything they should be paying taxes and social security and Medicaid taxes. Maybe the IRS should go there and make them fill out a tax form.
Vanderboegh then told supporters that he is going to send Reid a soap dish for inciting a war.
“I will send it as a reminder, with the message ‘Don’t poke the wolverine with a sharp stick, Harry, unless you want your balls ripped off,’” he said to cheers in the crowd.
…a soap dish? WTF?
Bring on the drones!!!
Oh great. Another investigation for Darrell Issa to start. I can just see and hear him now.
I remember him too. Another slimy POS
Dear Idiots with guns, do a search on these words:
LED Incapcitator
Microwave technology
Directed Energy Weapons
And that’s just off the top of my head.
Your weapons will be worse than useless against the Government.
Maybe because Vanderboegh is a soap flake? I wonder what the final act is going to be here. Lots of seditious bluster taking place while the authorities remain silent. He wants a civil war? Where does Free Speech end? I’ll bet it’s not a warm and cozy place filled with cuddly puppies and good theatre.
Oh, tell me you’re a Promise Keeper too…
good luck with that, you seditious traitor.