So they were celebrating how Tweeto Donnie got one of their brethern killed in Yemen by disregarding intelligence reports? I’m confused…
“Inappropriate” and “unauthorized”, but – wanna bet? – boys will be boys!
There’s a good chance Trump’s temper and ego will get more than a few American servicemembers killed and injured in the future.
And they’re cheering the asshole?
As it ever was: “Military intelligence” is an oxymoron.
Yeah, and Trump’s liable to spew forth celebratory tweets on this one for days.
Repeal the Seals.
I’m pretty sure that the flag incident predated the Seal - and all the women and children - getting killed.
It’s in the culture. One event won’t cause a shift. There’ll always be excuses.
The votes and loyalty against self interest continue to amaze me. I will refrain from further commentary except to say that I am not going to rejoice when these guys find that they truly are going to be putting their lives on the line for this president but not because of the perceived enemies but because of the lacking intelligence, humility and empathy with which he will lead them
Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
The unit will be duly and posthaste not sanctioned or punished.
These are the cream of our war fighters. They should know better, and the person(s) responsible should be charged un Article 15. Sad.
Those Seals should read how Trump sacrificed Chief Petty Officer Owens in a cheap grab for domestic political applause…
Testosterone loves testosterone on display - authoritarians love authoritarians. Could not imagine these guys feeling any other way. You don’t become a Navy Seal out of liberal impulses. We just have to hope the American military remains tightly constrained under civilian authority, because these impulses toward authoritarian control seem to be growing every year. I always wonder if some form of the draft that did not make endless exceptions for the rich might not make us a little smarter country in our love of military action as the solution to all problems.
They may be brave but it doesn’t mean the Seals are of high intelligence. As for their leadership, can’t even say they are brave.
I find it puzzling they have the time to drive around Kentucky. There are Afghan wedding parties and Iraqi street fairs to strafe and bomb. WTF?!
This did precede the Yemen raid; however, it was a major breach of conduct. Not only the flag, but the speed of the convoy and the fact that one of vehicles seemed to miss the exit. The punishments need to be swift, harsh and reach high enough into the lax command structure to make officers pay attention and squash this BS now.
They are as smart as Trump. Bundys are their hero. IOW, White Racist Trash.
Trump gets some Seals killed and they are celebrating? Not to mention, can you imagine if it was the Obama flag?
No military or police organization should be trusted in the age of Trump.