Oh I am so sorry to hear that, I really want the Trump team to succeed…
Bullshit Just kidding. I want them to crash and burn in a flaming conflagration that might , just might point out to the rubes that elected him.
This is what happens when you get conned.
And no there aren’t any do overs and no you don’t get your money back.
Trump: I am the first modern leader in this world and I want the presidency to be nothing more than my tweets.
That’s a rather genteel way of saying the transition is a complete clusterfuck.
LiEs! He alone Knows The finalistS are and tO whoM he wiLL say, “you’re fired!”
"Rogers said that the transition team “clearly wanted to make a change” and “go in a different direction.”
Yeah, right off a cliff.
Mike Rogers says the transition team is a Team of Rivals. I say the transition team is Game of Thrones
real question is why is anderson so LAME?
everyone knows christie and ANYONE associated with him were PURGED by trumps horror of a son in law…BECAUSE christie CONVICTED the horrors father and sent him to prison!
Says they need to get it together sooner “so they don’t bump into things in the future” like the nuclear football? What’s this?
Off a cliff, hitting the dumpster fire, and crashing into the iceberg.
It doesn’t really sound like a “cabinet” in the modern sense, anyway. More like a group of people going off they’re separate ways, none of which actually has any experience working in gov’t. so there no coordination between them. Sounds more like a freefall that most likely never ends because there’s nothing to stop it
Voter's have no option but to sit and watch this potential train wreck as it heads down the track. What will be interesting is that Trump can't demand NDA's from all hires like he did for all his campaign workers, so people are going to talk, especially those who will be leaving after they orient the new hires.
I don’t recall there being similar problems in the last dozen or so transitions I’ve been around for. Although “qualified” was a must in 2008 ( Obama was cast as inexperienced and unqualified ) unqualified was what American needed in 2016. No establishment. No career politicians. A lot of politicos questioned the likelihood that an administration founded on “never having done it before” working well. It’s been 1 week and there have been no signs ( other than Trump’s mouthing ) that these guys know what they are doing or that things are going well. Christie, like him or not, has a lot of executive experience. And he’s gone and his team it seems gone with him. Mr. Cooper didn’t probe that. Why?
I think Thump’s going to be a catastrophic disaster for the USA. Worse than anyone imagined except those that know him well and they’re not talking. If this transition disorganization and scattered messaging is any indicator of what’s ahead I’ll be proven right a lot faster than I thought.
I will say this until they flag me. The American people can stop Trump. They are too detached from the idea that participation in their society takes work.
Stopping Trump is ridiculously easy. Congress is part of it.
First of all, human behaviour is remarkably changeable and malleable. At times this Fall before 8 November, the Betting Site had a 25% chance of taking the House of Representatives. Granted that this was before the Comey letter…but the fact remains that it was POSSIBLE…and, in WWII, the Doolittle Raid probably had worse than 25% odds.
This country has never been in greater danger than right now. If the Sleepy Sheeple of the United States want to throw up their hands and hand their nation over to a dangerous monster they can do what I see expressed on this board too many times:
Defeat, gallows-humour, cynicism
But they have it in their lazy asses to wake up and take their country back. They simply have to want to. I saw (TO-DAY!!!) where Republican Congressmen (already the most right-wing politicians in 90 years) were going to be PRIMARIED because they disagreed with Trump before the election.
The logic was, clearly, that the creaky, old racists who ALWAYS come out to elections would, in this case, COME OUT TO VOTE.
Why can’t the people who are horrified at Trump do the same thing? After all, there is probably enough anger, grief, fear and foreboding on our side to get the Sleepy Sheeple to understand that VOTING is a DUTY. Why not make it be known to every GOP Congressman in districts which are doable that he is going to be PRIMARIED OUT IN TWO YEARS, END OF STORY?
And that’s not all we can do. But, I swear to God, handing a perfectly good country over to ONE MAN seems a bit much, doncha think?
Well you have to consider the source, he is after all Mr. Rogers.
You won’t get flagged unless you object to being negatively stereotyped by the ever so thoughtful TPM posters. Unless you accept their bigotry with a smile you get flagged. So I just get all giddy when they call my home Floriduh and sharp shoot it for the wacky stuff their snowbird relatives do down here. Make sure you don’t object too sternly if someone on one of these threads calls you a Beaner or a wetback Emiliano or paints Mexico a a third world dump ( its actually a beautiful place ). Just smile and say you bet. Or get banned if you object.
Sir, whether you’re talking about 1816 or 2016, you MUST understand the role that illusion plays in this country. Always has and always will. Sure, every country has it’s times when reality gets subordinated to sheer craziness but this country has always been infected with a penchant for outrageous optimism. And sometimes that outrageous optimism becomes twisted around so that the positive aspects just become a trap.
“Yeah, things are bad now but when X happens, we’ll be fine.”
We’re now at the end of the line on that. That has no more room to run.
They are too detached from the idea that participation in their society takes work.
But, that’s just the thing: there is no longer one American society. We now have two different societies and they are diametrically opposed. There’s no unifying this. There’s now one group that has no real attachment to truth and/or any notion of government. The other group is much more empathetic but still doesn’t quite get that there is a need for actual government. No, “Act locally, think globally” isn’t a good enough replacement.
Fom what i have read about Herr Drumpf, he never learned how to drive a car… and now he’s full throttle in R reverse… something is gonna crash
Only by comparison to what is left. Christie is a 2nd term governor. He has zero experience in the White House. Same goes with Pence. (Indeed, one could argue that Pence is more qualified given that he served in the Congress and his governor appointments aren’t being convicted of fraud) Nobody on the transition team has ever served in the West Wing. Hell, his new Chief of Staff has never served in an executive branch even at the state level.
And that is a HUGE problem right now. They have absolutely no idea of how the White House runs only a daily basis (let alone in crisis mode), and have nobody telling them how it runs. Its like a caveman trying to start and drive a car…he literally has no clue what it is or what it does, let alone what to do if it blows out a tire if he somehow did get it started.
This is something that just doesn’t happen. New Presidents always include at least some former WH staffers on their team, for precisely this reason.