Discussion: Michael Cohen To Testify Publicly In Front Of House Oversight Next Month

My feeling is this may be a mistake. Would it be better to wait for the Mueller report first???

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“I want to make clear that we have no interest in inappropriately interfering with any ongoing criminal investigations, and to that end, we are in the process of consulting with Special Counsel Mueller’s office,” Cummings said.

If #TeamMueller gives the ok then I assume it’s not going to interfere with his reports.


Is he finally going to take a bullet for tRump?


Hope they all say, “Gowdy, Mikey” as he is sworn in, just to be friendly…


Stuff just got real.

Thing is, will Cohen survive until then? Is he in Witness Protection?

Oh, that’s right - Witness Protection, I think, is a Federal program. On shutdown…


Mueller has different motives than House Democrats, and his report (which won’t necessarily be public) is a giant ball of who-knows-what. Public testimony about Trump’s campaign finance violations are totally fair game, and needed to lay a foundation for exposing his corruption.


I am looking forward to this. Yes indeed.


“we are in the process of consulting with Special Counsel Mueller’s office,” Cummings said”

Why would you say this sentence?! Hell I, just some guy on the internet knows a Dem should never say that sentence! This will be repeated ad nauseam on right wing media and facebook until 40% of the country believes that it proves the Mueller probe is controlled by democrats.

O for heaven’s sake - bullshit is repeated on rightwing media all day every day. Who cares?


With super-crook Presidential Maximalist William Barr about to become AG, there are reasons to believe that the Mueller report might be delayed or not be published at all, or at least not completely.

Better start putting the SOBs feet in the fire now. After all how many simultaneous Benghazi investigation were running?


My issue is with the timing regardless of disparate motives. Mueller likely has days of sworn testimony and access to information House staffers don’t have.

You should because it WORKS.

On the rightwing who aren’t going to vote for us ever anyway. Why do you even think about them? We are the majority and they aren’t.


Because they will use it to convince many of the independent voters. Why hand them a sword? But we get it, effective or strategic messaging is beneath you.

No it’s not beneath me but I think too much is made over rightwing talking points. They make them up if there aren’t any so who cares? ’

Independent voters hate Trump or they wouldn’t be independent voters, they’d be GOP voters.


So I guess why bother campaigning or even sending bills to the senate they won’t vote on to ‘show voters who wants to open the gov’ then? Minds are all already made up.

Not that I’m cynical or anything, but could this be a 50 ton bargaining chip to get Hair Furor back to the bargaining table?


You are extrapolating to the nth degree.

If you want to take it there go ahead but all we’re talking about is bringing Michael Cohen in for a public hearing and assuring everyone that they will speak with Mueller about it first. But here’s the thing - the timing here is deliberate in my view. Trump is already threatening to withhold most of Mueller’s report on national security and executive privilege bases and this is warning shot across his bow. The public will get the information we are entitled to - the House will call these people in to testify publicly.

OF course the rightwing isn’t going to like it and will say anything they can to try to make it look bad.


100% myth.