Discussion: Mexico's Foreign Minister: Prez Spoke To Trump About His ‘Insults’ In Private

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“Trust me, I kicked his ass!! Whomped him good!! Mopped up the floor with him!! Yanked a knot in his tail!! He knows he better shape up, or else!! Trust me, OK, it happened!!”


Nieto must really be kicking himself in the ass after this muy stupido adventure.


What a weasel. His already tarnished credibility takes another blow . Those two lying sacks of shit were made for each other . Too bad you picked Pence Donald . Nieto would have made a good VP and you could have nailed that 20% of Mexicans who think he is doing a good job


I have mentally airbrushed EPN out of that photo with Obama and Trudeau in Ottawa.


What do you get when a complete fool is given infinite power?
Mexico will pay for the wall or be the first of many countries to get nuked.


If Nieto didn’t record the conversation and release the recording, he totally got played by Trump.


Ah, so Mexico now will have direct diplomatic relations with Wisconsin? … consulate, maybe? It’s called editing, guys. Sheesh.


He got played the moment he extended the invitation to visit.

“Martha, there’s a pissed off rabid wolverine scratching at the front door. I think I’ll let it in, OK?”

“Sure honey, what could go wrong?”


I think Pena Nieto now truly understands the old saying “be careful what you wish for”…

It seldom turns out exactly the way you think it will, and in this case he has lost the face he thought to gain. Moron.

Of course, we should be thankful to him, because Donnie has also shot himself in the foot: as of now, one resignation from his Hispanic advisory team. Finally, eyes are opening to the fact that Donnie ain’t never gonna change. The arrogant, self-centered, narcissistic, bigoted jerk you see is the Donnie you get.


TrumpHO’s comments, based on that picture: “Right this way Mr. Spicident, I mean Mr. Presigreaser. I know what’s best for you, and if you know what’s best for you, you’d better say what I told you to say.”

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So, he is not President yet but manages to piss off the entirety of a sovereign nation. What happens when he actually becomes President ?

I think Obama, Biden and Kerry have their work cut out for them over the next two and a half months doing (involuntary) damage control.


This could be the best possible outcome of Donnie’s idiocy yesterday,helping to take out Grampy Cryptkeeper.
C’mon DNC, you need to pour a ton of money into the AZ and NV Senate races.

Could McCain lose?

Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick is giving him all he can handle, as she looks to ride anti-Trump sentiments to victory.


That worked well.

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Anyone notice a similarity? That sinking feeling when you finally realize you’ve been really, truly, screwed?


Wait, did EPN say that before or after he wiped the semen from his chin?


Nieto is 50 years old. He has a law degree and an MBA (albeit controversies surround the achivement of both). He’s worked from a young age in the private sector, followed by government positions and politics. He successfully waged a campaign for the Presidency of a large nation. If at this point he still suffers from naiveté and a lack of wisdom when dealing with other powerful and influential people both he and Mexico have problems.


Head of State response if HO had behaved this way in another allied nation.



I thought Trump was floating some BS story that this meeting had been planned for weeks with intense negotiations bla, bla, bla. Sure doesn’t look that way.

Now we hear that the Foreign Minister was totally blindsided by this invitation.

Something really stinks and it has orange “hair”.


EPN had to know that if you’re going to invite Trump at all, then a public dressing down was required by Mexican citizens. Not this weasel like, oh you should have heard me in the back room nonsense. Major fail!

I really don’t understand the logic behind this meeting from his pov at all.