Discussion: Melania Waves 'Be Best' Flag, Prods Media To Cover Opioids Instead Of 'Gossip'

She spoke during a town hall-style discussion in Las Vegas about the epidemic that claimed nearly 48,000 American lives in 2017. “They do it already, but I think not enough.”

By Julie Hirschfeld Davis
Oct. 26, 2017

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday directed the Department of Health and Human Services to declare the opioid crisis a public health emergency, taking long-anticipated action to address a rapidly escalating epidemic of drug use.

But even as he vowed to alleviate the scourge of drug addiction and abuse that has swept the country — a priority that resonated strongly with the working-class voters who supported his presidential campaign — ***Mr. Trump fell short of fulfilling his promise in August to declare “a national emergency” on opioids,*** which would have prompted the rapid allocation of federal funding to address the issue.

****His directive does not on its own release any additional funds to deal with a drug crisis that claimed more than 59,000 lives in 2016,*** and the president did not request any,* although his aides said he would soon do so. 


First lady Melania Trump prodded the news media on Tuesday to spend as much time highlighting the opioid epidemic

Be careful what you wish for, Lady M(acbeth)


Will someone tell this useless escort that she doesn’t get to decide what the media covers? Also, how is more coverage going to combat the opioid crisis. She may not be hearing about it, but those of us who live among her husband’s biggest fans hear about it all the time. Constantly. Nonstop.


She probably also thinks that the oversight into her husband’s rampant criminality by the House Dems is also “gossip”, which means she must be downing opioids by the fistful. Her husband is the most hateful bullying troll on the Internet and she has the fucking gall to promote an anti-bullying campaign. Melania Trump is the only person in America who manages to make Nancy Reagan look like Eleanor Roosevelt. I guess the idea of Mel running an anti-meth campaign was out of the question, since it would piss off too many in Donald’s tweaker base.

WOW! And Wayne Newton was in the audience. Gee, I guess Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, and Radiohead couldn’t make it due to scheduling conflicts.

But Melania, just remember the words of your hubby’s BFF Larry Kudlow, “Just say blow!”

Be best, bitch!


Wait, she’s still around? I thought hubby was busy deporting all the illegals who overstayed their visas and served as immigration anchors for their families, no?


Look at anything but the crime family her husband is the head of. She’s probably worried she’ll end up with no money and her status will become even lower. Is that possible?


SHHH! Don’t say the “e” word out loud! She might sue your ass. After all, she was a “SUPERMODEL!”, you know! Remember all those fashion covers she did for Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Allure, Marie Claire, etc.?

Yeah, neither do I.


The problem will be solved if we have more headlines, I’m sure. “Opiod Crisis Is Bad,” “Opioid Crisis Remains Bad,” “What’s Up with All the Opiods,” and so forth like that. Should clear it right up. But of course they’ll have to jockey for position among news of all your hoozbond’s gross crimes and incompetencies. As a starved for time professional whatever you are I’m sure you understand. Idiot.


She said she teaches her own 12-year-old son, Barron, “how drugs are dangerous. It will mess up your head. It will mess up your body and nothing comes positive out of it.”

Did she add “Just look at your father and his addiction to Adderall” ?


Softcore pornstar trotted out for SHINY distraction?

What’s in the pipeline?


People drink themselves to death. They chain smoke themselves into a litany of respiratory and cardiopulmonary diseases. They eat themselves into obesity, and the resulting diseases and afflictions that causes. They refuse to wear seat belts and die in car accidents. Same for helmets and motorcycle accidents. The list of self abuses that maim, kill and sicken people is long, covering habits dating back centuries.

Here’s a fricking novel idea, applicable to all the above, and the abusive use of opioids: Don’t do it. Don’t buy them. Don’t put them in your body. Don’t start. And if you’re doing it, stop.

If everyone was grabbing butter knives and jamming them in wall sockets I wouldn’t say there was an epidemic of electrocutions. I’d say there was an epidemic of stupid people.


Nice to know that the First “Lady” believes that investigations of criminal activity and obstruction of justice are just “gossip.”

I was always willing to cut her a bit of slack, but she should be in the clink with hubby and step-spawn for “aiding and abetting.”


I stopped cutting her slack a long while ago.


“Lady M”?


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In a free market, the media covers what people listen to, read or watch.

Why does Melania hate Capitalism?


I think you need to come up with another catchy slogan. That’ll do it. Perhaps something like “Be living”? Or maybe “No be dead”?


So, I take it you’ve met my family and in-laws?


FDA Study Shows No Connection between Opioid Abuse and Clinton Emails

President demands further research


I may or may not be sitting here giggling hysterically while repeating “hoozbond” over and over again.