In the short term there’s a pile 'o money to be extracted from Cleetus and friends. Long term doesn’t matter if the pile is big enough.
Listen to Megyn Kelly! She is an expert in denying reality!
“The reality is that moderate Christians, Muslims and Jews have a lot more in common with each other than they do with extremists from within their own faith.”
I love the way this guy expressed himself.
“They’re not so far away from ISIS and some of their beliefs in particular about women.”
Was she talking about the Republican Party?
Anyone, no matter their faith, who has a heart filled with murderous rage is the same IMO.
They’re monsters.
DENyING BALACK INSANE Nombame ISN’t an ISLAMOfasCISt mUSLIM IS denYIng REALITY. HAve YOU seeN hIM WORshiP JEsUS? NO. HAVe YOU seeN HIM eaT POrK? No. HAve YOU seeN hiM SPIT on or BURN a KORAN? No. NoBAma IS an DEMONRAt ISlaMOFAscISt faKE KEnyan “PresINDEnt” wHO brINGS the SHAri to AMerica!!!1!1!11!one!!!1!!!
Ms. Kelly is fear mongering and lumping 1.4 Billion … to claim to know more about his religion than the Muslim does…she must be a faux christian too…Reality is not her strong suit but fux
BS is!
Ignore 1000’s of years of history…and the fact that the KJV of the bible is the 57TH translation of said fable! not adhered to by all christian religions!
Dumb & rude for a reported bright woman!
She wouldn’t be saying that during the Kosovo War; when the war criminals were Christian and I’m pretty sure Bush and Cheney’s lying (I mean false witnessing) asses are Christians too.
…In precisely the same sense that Torquemada was an exemplar of Christianity.
She’s collecting a huge paycheck, and I’m sure she sleeps well because of that.
It does appear to be a Fox News(???) feature…
Harrumpff! why I would never assume/callMegynamediawhore.
Using this idiots logic the KKK is a Christian organization because they stand under a cross. This dim bulb needs to finish high school history class before being allowed access to a microphone.
Someone on televison about a week ago, and I wish I could remember who it was – the author of a recent book is my impression – said that the ISIS recruits, particularly those who come from Western societies, are mostly totally ignorant about the Islamic faith. They only know the brand of it that is preached by radical jihadis, which most consider a perversion of the faith. He pointed out that many of them do not even know the traditional prayers. It would be like someone claiming to be part of the one “true” Christian sect, but not knowing the Lord’s Prayer or the Apostle’s Creed.
My religion is totes better than yours. Admit it. ADMIT IT!
i read the same thing but can’t remember where either. Perhaps NY Times…
Then you pass the test. Only nontheists go to heaven.
Bush claimed he read the Bible every day. When a reporter then asked him which verse he had read that day…he couldn’t answer.
So I wouldn’t go too far out on the limb about how Christian he really is.
The KKK calls itself a Christian organization. So, Megyn Kelly, is the KKK a Christian organization?