I hope the dear man got Bethany Rodgers permission to use her name in a public posting. My God…how much longer to these babies get to keep the “tough guy” image?
I love that this story is now the headliner on the front page…take THAT, Kirby Delauter!!
Councilman Kirby Delauter of Frederick County, Maryland
How’s that Kirby? Are we clear? I used your name.
It’s called free speech, buddy.
Which brings a thought to mind … is your name and address listed in your local White Pages directory? Ya gonna sue THEM?
I can’t believe that Kirby Delauter used Bethany Rodgers’ name in a Facebook post without first getting her permission!
Works both ways.
Actually, the First Amendment says you can’t look at me, my house, or my dog without my permission.
Yep, been there. Very nice area, actually. Catoctin Mountain Park is delightful, I was there for work but would certainly visit for fun.
My head hurts trying to reconcile
“I’d just like to say that I have four kids that graduated from Frederick County Public Schools,” he said. [/quote]
Trying to say “We did it all by ourselves” while taking every possible government dime, contract and program they could.
This is Delauter’s education history from his official County website https://frederickcountymd.gov/4336/Kirby-Delauter
"Kirby was raised in Frederick County, graduated from Catoctin High School and is a veteran of the U.S. Army. He worked within the construction industry and in 1993, purchased the family business W.F. Delauter and Son, Inc. The business was started in 1955 by Kirby’s grandfather, Willie F. Delauter, and his father Russell Delauter. "
Raised in a well-to-do family that presumably does a lot of county construction work, he has no college and no apparent interest in education. His overreaction to being challenged suggests that he also has emotional problems.
He should be ripe for a political challenge in the next election.
Poor Kirby Delauter, he’s now the victim of infringements of his “First Amendment Rights” on over 30 sites in just in the last 2 hours!! His rights are being SHREDDED by Americans everywhere!!
Won’t SOMEONE think of poor Kirby Delauter?
If this man gets any dumber, he’s going to need watering twice a week.
The First Amendment reads:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
OK squeakyrat where does it say:
“Actually, the First Amendment says you can’t look at me, my house, or my dog without my permission”?
That is unless I’m missing your snark which is entirely possible.
so much for the freedom of speech bullshit. By the way what are you afraid of that your worried about your name being used? what did you do?
And I bet never for a millisecond did it cross either of their minds that they be the one’s that stayed at home.
Not to bright is he? He said he has 4 kids that graduated from the Public High School but that he was the “sole decision maker” in his kids education and that folks should not let the government educate their kids. OK…
So he cuts ( in fact cuts it all ) a very popular program intended to give kids a boost. Kids. And says he’s going to use the money to fix a Government problem, a deficit and does this while at the same time claiming to be pro Kid and anti Government?
And folks voted for him.
“He who must not be named…”
First politician who actually wants to be compared to Voldemort.
Which tells me that the voters in his area are a bunch of Delauters.
Another Sociopath in elected office.
There’s stupid, and then there’s Kirby Delauter, who is a very special kind of stupid.
He also seems to have a bad temper, and clearly has no idea what freedom of speech and freedom of the press mean—especially to an elected county official.
Frankly, I hope he does institute legal proceedings against this reporter.
The laughter from the judge as he tosses such nonsense out of court will be heard all up and down the Eastern Seaboard.
Md. Politician Kirby Delauter: Non-White People Can’t Look Me in The Eye Without Permission!
You are being quite generous.