Discussion: MD Council Member Threatens Legal Action On Reporter Using His Name

Ms Rodgers was WAY too easy on this dufus. She should print her exchange with him, with a photo of him, and refer him to the First Amendment. Where do the Repubs get these guys?


Hey there, Kirby Delauter, look what I found on The Internet while looking for Unauthorized Usage of Kirby Delauter in places that might offend Kirby Delauter:

Ooooh, Kirby Delauter, I think your dirty laundry is about to start being hung up for display…


Uh oh! Someone needs a refresher on what the First Amendment really says. And if the picture is any indicator, he also needs someone to tell him that that he has shitty fashion sense.


If he were to run for re-election, I’d suggest the media completely ignore him, don’t mention him as a candidate, etc. After all, he doesn’t want his name used, so…don’t use it.


That would be a “liberal conspiracy”, of course.


The bar for extra stupid has been raised substantially.


Oh how sweet. A tough guy with no sense of humor.
He tickles me. lol

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Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter
Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter
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Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter Delauter
and on and on…is that enough mentions of your name, sir? And I chose to do it without your
permission…(evil laugh)



Kirby Delauter, typical corrupt Republican politician:


County Commissioner Kirby Delauter ® is paying no mind to a Frederick County Ethics Commission advisory ruling and pursuing construction work in the county.

Last year, the ethics commission ruled Delauter, who operates the construction firm of W. F. Delauter & Son, Inc., could not take on construction jobs in which county inspectors would have to examine his work. The ruling was based on the concept that those inspectors ultimately work for Delauter and there could be a perceived conflict of interest.

That March 21, 2011, opinion, the third on Delauter’s business by the ethics commission, prompted him to send a response to county attorney Linda Thall on March 30, 2011.

In the letter, written by Delauter’s attorney Rand Weinberg, he states because of the “extreme procedural irregularities” in the process, Delauter would not abide by the opinion of the ethics commission.

What a shocker, eh? I’m sure he rails against the “corruption” of every level of government above the one he is currently part of.

Kirby Delauter, you are a Complete Asshole.


Tsk. Tsk.


Gee, the evidence seems to be pouring in that KIRBY DELAUTER is a tantrum-throwing crybaby who doesn’t know the first thing, who literally does not know the first thing about public life, which is that it’s public, or the second thing, which is that it costs money to provide services, so he throws crybaby tantrums like a tantrum-throwing crybaby named KIRBY DELAUTER.


When I heard of this, I thought he must surely be a Republican. Only a Republican would have such an abject lack of understanding of our Constitutional rights as Americans.

But of course, being progressives, there’s love in our hearts. Therefore, in the spirit of outreach to the wanna-be fascist, I would offer to Delauter that any shyster that would come within ten miles of this threatened lawsuit is only out to fleece him, because it’s a case he can’t win by beer muscles alone.

On the other hand, to quote Mencken: “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”


I think he’s from Thurmont. Conservative, rural, and near the PA border.

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Kirby Delauter is an Asshole, Continued:

May 29, 2014 BoCC Administrative Meeting - Public Comments from RALE citizens speaking out about the impacts upon public safety to roads, inadequate schools and over development of the community were met with, now infamous, uncontrolled hostility from Frederick County Commissioner Kirby Delauter, a candidate for re-election to the County Council.

When will Kirby Delauter be called to account?


Likely never. Remember: IOKIYAR.


All you do is reference him in the next story. A LOT. Then you send him a note basically DARING him to sue,

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Kirby, Kirby, Kirby Delauter…why are you such an asshole?


Women outraged over Frederick commissioners’ comments
Two advise parents to stay married; women at home to raise their children

Guess who one of the two is?

Commissioners Kirby Delauter ® and C. Paul Smith ® said during a meeting that the best way to help their children succeed in life is to stay married and stay home with their children. Both men touted their wives and the sacrifices they made by not holding jobs outside the home.

“I was horribly and incredibly offended,” said Emily Woodruff of Brunswick, a married working mother of a 16-month-old daughter. “It was completely backwards to suggest to people that they have to work. They’re completely out of touch. I was extremely offended.”

On Tuesday, commissioners voted 4-1 to pull $2.3 million in county funding from the Head Start program as of March 1.


Commissioners’ President Blaine R. Young ® and commissioners Delauter, Smith and Billy Shreve ® voted in favor of pulling the funding.

Commissioner David P. Gray ® was the lone vote against the move, arguing that his colleagues were making a rash decision.

But Gray’s colleagues said they will take the county’s share — $2.3 million — and put it toward a $12 million projected deficit for the county’s projected $440 million fiscal 2012 budget.


Delauter and Smith said they understood their concerns, but then proceeded to offer their own advice.

“As many of you know, I had a lot of kids and my wife stayed home at a significant sacrifice in those early years, because she knew she had to be with those kids,” said Smith, who is the parent of 12 children. “I know everybody isn’t able to survive doing that, but clearly if we can strengthen marriage, we can decrease the number of children we have to reach.”

Smith, an attorney, said his comments were fitting since the board had just issued a proclamation earlier that morning supporting the institution of marriage.

“I think it is very significant that we did make this Marriage Week announcement today because that is the best long-term way to help our children,” he said.

Smith said on Wednesday he has yet to receive any complaints from angry women, and he stood by his comments. But Smith said he did get a call from Channel 7 in Washington, D.C., asking for interview to explain his comments.

Meanwhile, Delauter, who did not return phone calls today, said Tuesday during the meeting that he agreed with Smith.

“I’d just like to say that I have four kids that graduated from Frederick County Public Schools,” he said. “My wife is college educated and could go out and get a very good job. She gave that up for 18 years, so she could stay home with our kids and we gave up a lot to do that. I agree with Commissioner Smith. The marriage thing is very important.”

Delauter told the parents that they should not rely on the government to educate their kids.

“I never relied on anyone else to guarantee the education of my kids,” he said. “My wife and I are the ultimate decision makers on the education of our kids.”

Kirby Delauter: patriarchal, backwards, arrogant asshole.


Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter Kirby Delauter…you get the idea…


Ten to one this guy wishes he lived in Europe so that he could make Google take down all the search links to his name.

Because… his name is definitely burning up the internets now.

Luckily, he has his own web site at http://kirbydelauter.com/ complete with a comment page where you can give him some private feedback