So, half of GOP voters in this race voted for crazy people.
Seems a little low, tbh.
Well, only thing I’ll say is Kornacki is having another one of his voter district demographic orgasms. Why do I watch that clown? He irritates me so.
Our Piehole used to claim that he was the most popular elected official in Arizona. He said he could win a Senate seat easily if he wanted to run. I couldn’t be happier that he was wrong about that, even though the nominee is no better on policy and the first loser is no worse on persona.
I want Sinema to win
And I am PISSED pissed I tells ya that the race for gov on the dem side was called with less than 1% of the vote in. Garcia wins, Farley lost. DAMN! I wanted Farley. I know him. He’s a friend and a really good and decent guy.
And trump blathers about trampling the 1st amendment by whining about Google and also claiming democrats are violent people.
That’s a personal insult I don’t take kindly to.
McSally was never a “centrist”. She’s a right wing conservative with visions of Trumperplum fairies dancing in her head.
McSally got elected initially by being Gabby 2.0
Well, I voted for Farley on your recommend, but evidently not enough did.
Thank you. You do me an honor.
So did we, but Garcia v The Icecream Man; no brainer.
This is outrageous – Ward an Arpaio were robbed!
Arizona Republicans cannot take this setting down!
Write-in campaigns need to start first thing tomorrow!
(In all seriousness, Sinema is the only openly atheist in Congress, and the first openly LGBT, so let’s all try to show her a little love.)
And it didn’t help that Barber had the charisma of a dead fish. (Once elected, he was about as responsive to my communications as Mustang McSally has been, but I may be prejudiced.)
I will not support Ducey. No way. No how.
It’s good to know I am not the only ignored constituent. I have 3 outstanding emails from me in her in box w/o a response. The oldest is from late June. I wonder how much email and fax and snail mail she gets on an average day.
Wazamatta? You don’t like overpriced ice cream?
Amazing how those small hands can hold up that big mirror.
With 6% reported, the numbers for Arizona Governor look interesting.
6.25% reporting
Republican Party
Ken Bennett — 8785 votes, 7 percent
Doug Ducey — 116711 votes, 93 percent
Robert Weber — 0 votes, 0 percent
Democratic Party
Steve Farley — 107863 votes, 35 percent
Kelly Fryer — 51434 votes, 17 percent
David Garcia — 148308 votes, 48 percent
Mirza Fareed “Fareed” Baig — 0 votes, 0 percent
He’s like one of those nervous little “mophead” like dogs that gets overstimulated and starts coursing around the living room, bouncing off the walls and furniture, knocking over lamps and finishes off by humping your leg.
(I have one of thise BTW).