Discussion: McDaniel Campaign Attacks Sen. Cochran's Daughter With '#Who'sYaDaddy' Meme

This character is much worse than Cruz. Not nearly as smart, and twice as mean.


So, what, he’s four times the teabagger that Cruz is?

There will always be two parties. The money for elections alone guarantees it.

So the question becomes, if you believe that the GOP is too far gone to recover, which way does the Democratic party split to form the new party? Do the Blue Dogs break off, or do the Progressives?

Neither. The Democratic and Republican parties are baked into the system now. The last time a new national party formed up was in the 1850s and it was very messy and since then the 2 party system has been greatly hardened. I think we’ll always have these 2 parties, at least in name, because there’s too much built in advantage to them. So if the christian identity people, flat earth society, john birchers and general paranoids take over the party, they get built in access to so many levers to smash things up, that I shudder to think of it. In my opinion, we have to fix the existing Republican party because we’re stuck with it.

Edited to say:

And believe me, I wish it wasn’t so. I think something needs to open up to the left side of the current Democratic party, because those views, progressive and liberal alike, are being very poorly served. Sadly, the space opening up is to the right of the party, and that’s occupied by the burning trash heap that is the current Grand Old Party.

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What does Mr Christian Values make of “Thou shalt not bear false witness?”

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Anything is OK if it serves the cause.

His type were fine firebombing churches with little girls in them, remember.

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Republicans don’t have a problem with taking things out of context. It’s their primary way of communicating.

"Republicans don’t have a problem with taking things… It’s their primary way of communicating.

Duh, he is a teabagger.

I agree with you there will always be a “republican” and a “Democratic” party. But its not to hard to forsee a not to distant future where the republican name brand is so utterly destroyed, that a new name will be needed.

That is one indication that the tea party is in no way a grass roots movement. They have no interest in forming a third party, despite their rhetoric occasionally, they want to take over the GOP, and get all those built in advantages.

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What is the difference? The GOP all follow the Party line.

Ms. Cochran has to keep it simple , The people of Mississippi really probably don’t understand what she means which makes it very easy for McDaniel to take things out of context.

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We in Georgia wish Mississippi would leave the Union because without them we’d break into the the top five when it comes to illiteracy, infant deaths, polluted rivers, wife beating, venereal disease and a whole lot of other groovy things. With Mississippi still in there, SC, Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas typically round out the Pride of the Confederacy in these quality-of-life measures.


I definitely have mixed feelings about enabling the extremists, particularly in leadership positions. Having Republican incumbents defeated on their right also pushes the rest of the caucus further to the right.

On the other hand, politically speaking, the high water mark for the Democratic Party during the last 12 months occurred when Ted Cruz and Mike Lee lead the party into an ill-advised government shutdown.

My gut instinct is that the GOP is on the precipice of alienating young and minority voters for a generation. Once upon a time, , Republicans could win a reasonable percentage of African-American voters. Today, that is virtually impossible for them. I share your concerns regarding the levers of power that a minority GOP can control. On the other hand, we saw more progress for the progressive agenda between 2009- and 2011 than at any point in the 40+ years prior.

People like Cruz, McDaniel, and Bachmann appear to be what’s causing the numbers of self-identified Republicans to decline. Making being a Republican an embarrassing thing to admit is important. If Thad Cochran was a moderate who could occasionally help get important legislation passed, it would be one thing. He’s not. He’s just a less embarrassing version of McDaniel.

…I’ve decided that I agree with you. Other thing being Cochran has been in the Senate forever. If McRacist gets elected…well…lots of seniority passes to someone else.

As TPM has proven, a fawning media (JM + TC = 4EVA!) can make even a freshman Senator into a threat, but I don’t see McRacist stirring the media’s loins the way Cruz does for Marshall.

Birthing the seminal and distinctive Blues style; using federal dollars that might be worse-spent elsewhere; keeping the land off the world market so an existential threat to the US’ well-being doesn’t seize or buy it; providing a source of innocent merryment; doing right by the people who live there.

Common “man of the people” vs. elitist, out-of-down-home-touch, DC-special-interest-serving politician = “Mr. McDaniel Goes to Washington”!

“Who’s ya daddy?” has the (non-courant) sass of an alpha male dissing a beaten challenger; a vicarious testosterone-thrill to charge his supporters. It’s implied racism (the put-down popularized by black professional athletes) is redneck bonus vs. a “social better” who must scrounge votes from disdained black Democrats.

Stupid and offensive is red meat for McDaniel’s base. Note that his support didn’t drop after the nursing-home video incident.

Not when your base is considered “poor white-trash”, who accept the proffered insult as a defiant badge of honor.

Spoken like a brave non-Missippian who will only experience virtual consequences from McDaniel’s election.

It carrys that charge, the phrase having been introduced to whites via black professional athletes.