Discussion: McDaniel Campaign Attacks Sen. Cochran's Daughter With '#Who'sYaDaddy' Meme

I know some McDaniel campaign staffers think they’re geniuses for putting this together, but a partial quote like that literally screams “this is out of context” and only makes me wonder what words they chose to leave out.

Then again, they’re going after certain voters who probably don’t take such a critical eye to what they read…


Well, that’s the whole thing. It’s not anyone ‘outsmarting themselves’, unless there’s some fools who think “Man, Childers will totally win this thing!”. And they’re just delusional.

The ideal situation is of course for Childers to win. I don’t t think that’s realistic, but the question is, is it worth the chance of replacing a quiet backbencher with Shithead Cruz 2.0 if Childers can’t beat him. That’s what makes it a gamble.


Well, give’m credit: they first tried to go after his demented wife- at least the kid can defend herself.


I’m by no means an expert in the voting patterns of Mississippi’s Senators, but are there any significant votes that have taken place in the last decade where Thad Cochran broke with his party to the left?

If Chris McDaniel gives the Democrats even a 2% better shot at winning the seat, I say bring him on.

In fact, even if there is no chance of beating McDaniel, it’s probably better for the Democratic Party to have an openly racist loudmouth further tarnishing the national image of the GOP than a silent coward quietly voting for the exact same positions and filibustering progress for his constituents and the rest of the country at every turn.

Chris McDaniel represents a huge swath of the GOP. It’s time for their close-up.


Remember when they threw a tantrum about Obama’s “bibles and guns” quote?

Remember how it turned out to be 100% accurate?

Just sayin’.


Yep, don’t try to make an intelligent, nuanced arguments to people who gave up watching Honey Boo Boo when they went all Holly-weird and she endorsed Obama.


Does anyone else find the #Who’sYaDaddy to be incredibly creepy and sexually implicit?.. eww… eww ewww eww.


The flag stays balanced… much harder to arrange 49 stars in an aesthetically pleasing way.


Pretty much everything McDaniels and his supporters do is offensive on nearly every level.


7 x 7 works nicely.


Honestly, I figured it was supposed to be anti-black until I read the article.

Of course it does! Ugh, I’m embarrassed by my math illiteracy. The numerologist-Christians would love a 7x7 starred flag.

Too bad this race is going to be over after tomorrow. TPM is going to have to fill some space.

I think the answer to that, is, sadly, no. I think McDaniels is much more beatable than Cochran is, but that’s still not going to happen unless there’s a dead girl/ live boy thing, and even that, based on how few fcks everyone there seems to be giving about the nursing home break in, seems unlikely. Given the choice of Cochran or McDaniel, pull the lever for Cochran and don’t even let McDaniel sniff the general.

On a semi-related note, I’ve often considered encouraging the right end of the democratic party to register republican in a desperate attempt to pull that party away from the abyss. As much as we here seem to taunt and enjoy the disaster that party is sliding towards, our political space is very much set up to have a 2 party system and one of the parties being reduced to bomb throwers, and that may not be metaphoric for long, is toxic for the whole thing. We need a functional republican party because by law they have a lot of power just by being that party. Many boards are staffed based on democratic and republican membership, ballot spots are built in for the top parties automatically. Having a burning tire fire for one of the 2 main political parties is paralizing crisis and I don’t think we can long survive it.


Surely they can come up with some more glamour shots of Ted Cruz.

And there will be some more Kapur “Here’s three reasons immigration reform isn’t dead even though it totally is” rehashes.

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What!? A teabagger twisted a quote around to suit their purposes?

Well color me beige.


Why do you people always need to bring color into it?!!?!?


I totally agree with you. McDaniel would probably win in November, but his campaign could do all sorts of damage in the general election. As I’ve said before, Akin and Mourdock didn’t just hurt their own chances, they hurt other Republicans in other races across the country. They forced other Republicans to either speak out against them or be seen as siding with them. They reinforced the already negative view the country had/has of the Republican Party. The national party was forced to abandon their own candidates and groups were forced to spend money defending seats they shouldn’t have to defend. Also, as out of control and lawless as his campaign has been already, I can only imagine it’s going to get exponentially worse when he’s fighting a Democrat.

It’s not that the wind is blowing. It’s what the wind is blowing. Putting idiots like McDaniel and Cruz into office drives the middle ground farther and farther right and makes what they’re voting with the rest of the party on crazier and crazier. Bob Dole was as Republican as Republican gets and he would and probably has, averted his eyes in horror and shame at what the party is standing for now, (remember when they wouldn’t ratify the UN treaty on the treatment of the disabled because they were sure it would call down the black helicopters? And this even with Bob Dole, in person, in a wheelchair, on the floor of the Senate, literally begging them to do it.) And I bet he voted more lockstep with the party than Jerry Moran, but good lord who wouldn’t trade Jerry for Bob?

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…and it also drives more and more voters away from voting because “Washington is full of insane crooks”.

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