It’s fairly interesting to spectate on the desperate knee-jerk reactions this guy is having to his total screw up of signing that law. Other GOP Governors have reacted better to similar screw ups. Usually by vetoing or totally defanging similar garbage. Some are just as bad though…
However, this guy’s basically completely flipped his lid. He’s kicking and screaming the entire way. It’s kind of like watching the Hindenburg catch a fire and later go up in flames and crash, all of it happening in very slow motion. Even while everyone realizes that they actually had freaking fire extinguishers handy everywhere (repealing the freaking law!!).
Anyone know what the status of his re-election bid (what pushed him to sign this idiocy in the first place) is?
McCrory signed a law he never read. He never thought about the consequences of signing it. He keeps misrepresenting the law. He thinks it’s about bathrooms.
The DOJ letter is the best thing that can happen to this stupid, bigoted Governor and the unfortunate citizens of NC. The legislation goes down the tubes (as it should), and businesses, performers, and tourists will return to NC. And the Governor can “blame” all of this on DC liberals.
Right now…
RCP has Cooper (the fairly popular D Attorney General for my state) at +2.3 over Mcrory.
“The right and expectation of privacy in one of the most private areas of our personal lives is now in jeopardy. We will be reviewing to determine the next steps.”
It’s not all that private if the person in the stall right next to me is dropping a big, smelly steamer.
“Washington overreach” is the kind of language George Wallace used as he stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, denying entrance to black students. Bobby Kennedy had to remind him to read the Constitution of the United States. The Supremacy/Primacy Clause is Article VI, Clause 2.
Face it, Cletus. You fucked up when you signed a bill you knew was unconstitutional.
One person’s most closely guarded secret is 500 people’s most cringe worthy TMI. Republicans are officially the party of the other 499. Federally recognized panty sniffers. Not only are they obsessed with finding out what every woman has under her dress, but they’re also passing laws to make sure everyone else finds out, too. Even though nobody around that one transgender woman wants to find out what she didn’t want to share in the first place.
No theory of nothing has anyone confused about which restroom these guys should use.
This is the GOP version of “make me do it”.
Lending new irony to the word, “overreach”.
So tired of the hypocrizy and stupidity.
I am pretty sure McCrory is still pissed at the Emancipation Proclamation for similar reasons.
Larry Craig’s hands reaching out from under the mens’ room stall at Minneapolis International… now that’s the kind of Washington outreach we need to prevent.
No, the definition is required by God.
They’re called inalienable rights — the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of a decent bathroom without McCrory checking out women’s privates.
Yes how dare the Federal government impose a law against states rights…what a fucking goof my state has for a Governor. His legal skills are horrendous!
They just don’t equate being transgender as a way people are born with race being a way you are born. They think it’s a choice and many also think sexual orientation is also a choice. To those folks I ask, so it was a choice of your’s to only have sex with the opposite gender? You would be just as happy having sex with the same gender? If so, I think you are actually bisexual.
Moore slammed Obama for trying to “circumvent the will of the electorate …”
Unlike what the NC legislature did to the will of the people of Charlotte (as voiced through their elected representatives). Not to mention what the NC legislature has done to any municipality that wants to raise its minimum wage, run its own water system, have control over its airport and the myriad other things the NC legislature have usurped since the McCrory-Moore-Berger gang took power.
McCrory got the overreach part right.
I just had an epiphany. Pat and the insane General Assembly have been engaged in a concerted campaign to make all the people who moved into the state after 2000 and changed its politics move back out. Slashing public education spending, politicization and funding cuts for the UNC system, laws that actively discriminate against “Others.” They really do seem to think that if only they can destroy the entire basis of the state’s prosperity and push us down below South Carolina, they can hang on to power forever.
That damn US Constitution keeps getting in the way of the right wing fascist movement in the US. Exactly why the right wing Republicans refuse to confirm President Obama’s replacement to the right wing extremist Scalia.
The fascist fear the US Constitution - that is why the Republican Party is folding. It is no longer a conservative party in the terms of following the US Constitution and laws of the land - the party has been hijacked by the billionaire funded right wing fascists!
So if it’s overreach, perhaps he will take a principled stand and not respond to the letter. And then not respond to the immediately-subsequent court order requiring him to respond. And then not respond to the federal contempt citation…