HAHAHAHAHA…yet it is NOT ‘overreach’ to pass a law in the dead of the night telling your entire state that it’s your way or the highway on minimum wage, bigotry, voting, etc…Oh yeah.
Too much traffic in the ladies room for a man to enter and carry out a sexual assault. What you need to successfully assault someone is privacy, not the absence of privacy.
Gov. McCrory needs to READ THE CONSTITUTION: Article VI, Clause 2 - Federal Supremacy - and then STFU.
How dare Washington overreach into my overreach into the private lives of LGBT people or into the rights of the people of Charlotte?
Don’t they realize overreach is best done at the level of government with a Republican in charge?
So what McCrory is saying is that the Constitution doesn’t apply to him, or his state. Ok.
No fair! They are over-reaching my over-reach!
And it has til Monday to unsign it
My wife works with a woman who moved up here from SC to be in a more progressive state. She’s ready to move back, which pretty much says it all!
The days of saying “At least we’re not South Carolina” have been over for awhile now…
But hey, at least there’s still Mississippi.
Did the Governor claim that there is a “right to privacy?”
Ever since Roe v Wade the Republican montra has been that the “right to privacy’” that is the basis of that case does not exist. Now we find that there is a right to privacy when it suites their needs.
How convenient.
No, you moron, it’s constitutional government. Perhaps like HB2 you haven’t read the constitution either.
Exactly! The real intent of the bill was for the state to extend ITS overreach to every local government in NC, restricting their ability to enact local ordinances regarding employees filing discrimination lawsuits, raising the minimum wage and people using the bathroom that suits their gender identity.
McCrory, you and your despicable legislators overreached your way into an unconstitutional power grab, and now you’ve been caught. Grow up and admit it.
Notice how it’s all about their privacy and not the privacy and personal lives of the people they are discriminating against? Who apparently are not entitled to any. They and they alone turned bathrooms into a war zone.
All those will have to comply with new definitions of requirements by the federal government regarding restrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities in both the private and public sector.
New definition is what you signed into law. You stuck your nose in really private stuff (excuse the pun), and got your hand slapped. Instead of having the decency to say we screwed up, you are trying to fall back on the old tried and true outrage and overreach ploy.
The right and expectation of privacy in one of the most private areas of our personal lives is now in jeopardy.
Actually, shithead, you blew that out of the water with your unenforceable law requiring people to use bathrooms based on the sex listed on their birth certificates. That’s government getting into people’s privacy in way that is completely uncalled for.
We will be reviewing to determine the next steps.
Better known as how do we get out of this mess and save face. Sorry Pat, you created this mess, your state has suffered (again) because of your actions. You’ve lost jobs because of this law, and I don’t know how you spin that one during your re-election bid.
You know, I never thought much of taking my girls into the Men’s Room when we were out somewhere and they needed to go to the bathroom. I have been surprised, on a couple of occasions, when women have stepped out of stalls in the men’s room at sporting events or concerts, but it was no big deal.
Republicans needed an issue this campaign season. SCOTUS took their favorite election year wedge off the table, so without gay marriage bans, the GOP needed a new stalking horse.
The right and expectation of privacy in one of the most private areas of our personal lives is now in jeopardy.
Wait. Wut?!?! We have a “right and expectation of privacy” all of a sudden? Haven’t these same people been arguing ever since Roe v. Wade that we don’t have a right to privacy? That there’s no “right to privacy” in the Constitution? So now he’s saying they support abortion rights after all?!?!
These people make my head hurt!!
And then they fired on Fort Sumter.
Exactly! You beat me to it!
A friend of mine moved from New York to NC for retirement because it was more affordable. She’s not happy.
Let the feds cut off the money going into his state and let him decide what to do about the decreased amount of money he has to play with. States have the right to forgo money from Washington.
The principle in this case is upholding the peculiar NC brand of dominionism. Same power as the national brand, just no accountability. If you pretend it’s the hand of G-d or “will of the people” there’s nobody against whom to exercise your Constitutional rights to petition.
In this vein, McCrory is the white Stepin Fetchit of the 21st century.