Discussion: McConnell: We've Passed 3 Times The Judges In Trump's 1st Yr Than Obama's

It’s always nice when a “patriot” can create a fiction of false equivalency and then gloat about dismantling an entire branch of government, ruining the country for a generation, at least, if it survives at all.

Eh. Oh. Way to go, McConnell.


What do you mean the Democrates charge?
The correct statement is the GOP did.

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I remember you blocking a judge, Mitch. Kind of unfair, right ?


Thanks, Susan. Thanks, Jill. Thanks every last person who claims to be dismayed but couldn’t bring themselves to to the one and only thing they could do to stop it.


Talk about hypocrisy. “We were able to obstruct their guys, and are passing our guys without checking.”


You want to corrupt a society deep in the root, politicize the courts. All you need to do. Without trust in the courts it’s look out below.


The political lessons we have learned from all of this should be enough for us to begin using the same “end justifies the means” approach the GOP uses ie… lie, cheat, or steal at every opportunity.

This is why it is fucking important to vote Democrat, not Green, and not stay home on election day, until the GOP is stamped out in its current vile post-Reagan form.


Next time any Democrat says, or even thinks, we should restore the filibuster for judicial nominees, remember this, remind them of this: not only will Republicans get rid of it again as soon as they take back power, they will also brag and gloat about it, about how well they cheat, about how much more productive it makes them, and about how stupid Democrats are for bringing flowers to a murdering rampage.



The only thing this Democrat is ruing is that we didn’t do it the first day Obama took office.


Hey, Harrasshole, next time Democrats have power in the Senate while a Republican is president, don’t even think about complaining that we’re not confirming a single damn one of that Republican president’s judicial nominees - because we will slam that quote right fucking back in your fascist, Republican, pucker-lipped, face.


And destroyed the Senate and the judiciary in the process. Great job, Mitch.


“We’ve cemented a conservative majority on the supreme court for a generation.”
remember all the howls of “activist judges” during the clinton years? Only you, mitch would be proud of getting so many through the system you rigged.
Merrick Garland - Merrick Garland - Merrick Garland - you pathetic excuse for a human being


as I kept saying before 11/16 last year to all my young co-workers - supreme court judges alone should get you to vote for HRC - nope


the gloating…

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McConnell should be proud that he has killed how the Senate functions and made it a hack house. Through tradition Reid let him and his crew have more power than they deserved. Changed something because he was forced to do so with the GOP stopping everything. Now the GOP burns it all to the ground and says it was the Dems fault.

It is like one brother taking a piece of candy from the other brother. The other brother wines and then punches the other brother in the face and steals all the candy the other brother gets from that point forward and claiming it is even now.

What a joke this all is. It is honestly as much the Dems fault as anything. As they attempted to deal with the GOP in good faith. Now we will have very unqualified people in positions of power. And the GOP should, but will not, be ashamed about the quality of judges they are giving the rubber stamp too. There are many good conservative judges but they are picking folks that have never been judges at any level before, have loads of conflicts of interest and so on.

It is a joke.


I would have cake and ice cream if this POS dropped dead today.


That’s because you refused to hold confirmation hearings for Obama nominees , you fucking asshole.


And I would join you.