Discussion: McConnell: 'Very Confident' Govt. Won't Shut Down, Gorsuch Will Be Confirmed

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Heh hehā€¦

That creepy laughā€¦Mitch has nothing. Boxed-in by ā€œsleepy eyesā€ and pouty about it.


Really, Me-yotch?
Graveyard, meet mother.
Whistlerā€™s mother.


Correction. It was Obama that was not blamed, because he was essentially a reasonable person.

But we have a new sheriff in town, and between him and the Freedom Caucus, donā€™t be surprised if Republicans still get the blame.


Of course they are going to kill the ā€œfilibuster.ā€ Not a horrible thing in my opinion, but I do not relish the thought of Gorsuch on the Court. They have been waiting for this since the day Scalia stopped breathing. The slow-motion coup continues.

ā€œIā€™m confident Senate Democrats are not going to want to shut down the government,ā€ McConnell said. ā€œEvery time weā€™ve had a government shutdown situation, itā€™s been the Congress thatā€™s been blamed and not the president.ā€

And Iā€™m confident that the majority of the American people will understand that itā€™s not ā€œthe Congress,ā€ but the radical criminal organization known as the Grand Old Party. The propaganda war has already started.


Joy mentions the Guardianā€™s report on a Flynn Russian ā€˜girlfriendā€™ā€¦

an encounter with a Russian-British graduate student, Svetlana Lokhova, whom Flynn met on a trip to Cambridge in February 2014.


Pool said Trump was going to his VA course to golf. Again.


Why does the press interview a person who talks a lot but doesnā€™t tell you anything?

I canā€™t for the life of me figure this out. Complete waste of time and effort.


Heh hehā€¦


what a nasty asshole. I just sent him a vicious email calling out his bullshit since before Obamaā€™s inaugeration (one term pres) to his withholding info from voters to help tRUmp, to destroying tradition in the treatment of Garland. I live in Cali, used his office address for the contact info, put it under the category of ā€œcongratsā€

this morningā€™s bs was too much for me


So, did the WH even know Rand was there? Did he drop in unannounced? They seem to have trouble keeping track of people.


A HIGH-FLYING banker branded ā€œLittle Miss Cokeheadā€

The Express details Svetlanaā€™s problems in 2014 with Sberbankā€¦

Miss Lokhova was highly successful, earning around Ā£800,000-a-year at the London office of the Russia

A historian and a leading expert on Soviet espionage, Lokhova has claimed to have unique access to previously classified Soviet-era material in Moscow. She says her forthcoming book makes groundbreaking revelations about Soviet military intelligence operations run by the GRU ā€“ Russiaā€™s military spy agency.

An Amazon search revealed no book by Ms. Lokhova.


I donā€™t buy it. I just donā€™t see many other Dems other than the two obvious ones jumping on the bandwagon for Gorsuch. Nelson, Coons, Carper? What would they gain from it? I can see that Donnelly will be in a bad position seeing as IN is filled with fundie nutjobs. Many people in his state totally backed the whole ā€œreligious freedomā€ garbage even though they paid a heavy economic price for it.

Blowing up the Senate will be on him.

As usual, Yertle is bullsh*tting.


Evening Standard, 2015ā€¦

A woman banker in the London office of a Russian bank has been awarded Ā£3.1 million after being driven to mental collapse by a campaign of harassment and unfounded drug slurs.

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Theyā€™ll do the nukular and blame Dems. Theyā€™ve been rolling it out on the talkies all week ,


May I quote you on that, as famous last words?

If Mitch, a vengeful and petty man, had the cards heā€™d be saying something far nastier than, ā€œheh, heh.ā€



Again, I donā€™t understand the ā€œRussianā€ tie here. This woman is ā€œfamousā€ for filing and winning a huge sexual harassment suitā€¦and has now filed another.

Not that I am discounting you, Iā€™ve seen the reports like the article you linked. I just donā€™t really see the connection between her and Moscow yet.

Vengeful because a black guy had the gall to become president. It really eats him at how Obama came from genuinely humble origins and managed to overcome the system working against him.

Anyway, this is McConnell basically begging Dems to confirm him because while nuking the filibuster will get Gorsuch confirmed he knows the Reps are on thin ice right now and itā€™s only getting worse.