Discussion: McConnell Talked Trump Off Ledge By Promising He'd Back Emergency Order

Oh, Mitch. You pushed the wrong way.


I’ve always thought McConnell as big a contributor to the decline of our democracy as Trump and this certainly, in my opinion, shows it. These people are a disgrace!


This will bite you right in the ass, McConnell.


Giving this additional thought, what a poor headline! Talking Trump off the ledge? He just moved him to another window with a ledge in front of it. The spirit, the soul of the USA has been permanently altered.


I think he actually pulled Trump in from the ledge, and put the entire country out where he had been standing. Our only hope, probably, is a sane court system. I guess we will see if one still exists.


It sounds as if Trump has gotten to the point where he is walking the halls of the White Hourse raging back and forth with the ghost of Richard Nixon. It is hard to believe that things have become so bad that we have to depend on McConnell to “chill out” Trump. Frankenstein is now having to calm his monster.

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Should have let him go and McConnell with him.

Yertle McTurtle has already sealed his legacy. He is a traitor to democracy.

I hope he goes down with the rest of the traitors. I would bet his personal PAC that got distributed widely among several Senators had lots of American straw donors from foreign money.


On yesterday’s Nichole Wallace program she made a reference to some action the Bush administration took that pissed Mitch off. He made their life miserable for an extended period. He knows how to fuck things up when he wants, even with his own crew.
Am I the only one that heard this?

my message to Trump, next time he’s out on a ledge:

Jump, you fucker!

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Gives me a tiny bit of satisfaction that the second biggest POS in Washington is spending his days trying to put a leash on the first biggest. Too bad Yertle’s too compromised to be trusted, else the Dems could invite him to a working lunch on how to fuck with fatwad’s manhood some more.

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Mitch is pushing the situation toward a precipice -one where the only path to preventing a dictatorship will involve bloodshed.

I hope I’m not supposed to be impressed that Yertle did this rather than tell him to forget about the emergency declaration and that if he vetos the bill, congress will override it.


25th Amendment is in order. McConnell props up an unfit president - why? What’s the Enquirer got on him? Or is he selling out the entire country for the unfit, judges?

McConnell is evil. He needs to be pushed off a very high ledge.

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I’m going against the grain here but I wonder if Mitch didn’t set Trump up, he knows declaring a National Emergency in this instance will be countered by the Democrats and the courts. I think Mitch is pretty wily and just may have push Trump far enough to the right to save the GOP, just a thought.


I think Mitch is pretty wily

In the 80’s someone wrote a review of the movie The Breakfast Club. It said the movie featured “a wily performance by Peter Coyote…”

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I think odds are very high: How Putin’s proxies helped funnel millions into GOP campaigns :smiling_imp:

Beyond some thin reporting we really don’t know all the money flows between non-US donors, NRA, GOP, PACs, etc. I imagine it is very swampy. And very, very illegal. :imp:


Which is probably why McConnell won’t allow a bill protecting Mueller all this time. I think he looks at it as an out for him as well. I figure it hasn’t been brought up more only because if it was it would cause a lot of the GOPers to take action to suppress whatever information was out there. Mueller knows though. So they ain’t fooling anybody.

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