Discussion: McConnell Takes Step To Fast-Track O'Care Repeal In The Senate


“This way, nobody will know what we’ve done until it’s too late. Then let 'em whine. They’ll forget all about it in a couple months.”


Head-lemming (R-KY) ‘C’mon you guys, edge of the cliff coming up!’


Is there a House Freedom Caucasian sitting with the GOP senate to vet the bill? Does whatever the senate passes have a chance in the house?

Once we take the Congress, we need a motto: “It’s up to US to govern, since the Honorary Russian won’t.” or “Make America worth fighting for!”

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Gee, you’d think that if Republicans were truly interested in improving healthcare that they’d solicit ideas from the Democrats.

But we know they’re not.

On the plus side, we should be grateful that McConnell is invoking Rule 14 of the Senate, rather than Rule 34. That would be unpleasant.


I GUARANTEE they’re gonna pass this shit and get it to the Orange Traitor’s desk. I’d bet my house on it. They’re evil, despicable fucks, and they are gonna pay off their benefactors regardless of the optics or death and mayhem it causes. Dumbfuck rural hick voters who are harmed by this will revert to blaming the brownies and blackies and that’ll be that.

As for McConnell, I hope he contracts a horribly painful and untreatable disease and suffers unspeakably.

In fact I’d go so far as to say that my hatred of kkkonservatives trumps (pun intended) any positive prescriptions I might entertain. All I really want is for these demonic scum to be heinously punished.


You have to pass the bill to know who dies from it.


Please proceed…



McConnell is good at getting his caucus to do things. He will ram it through with 50 votes, and allow Flake and Heller, who are up for re-election in purplish/blue medicaid expansion states to vote against it.


Republicans repeal the ACA and pass Trumpcare will lose the senate in 2018, and the presidency in 2020. Every democrats will run on Medicare for all in 2020 and more than likely win the house and the senate.


I really think McConnell will go down as the most destructive Majority Leader in the history of the Senate.


What’s the difference?

Yours is the most accurate comment I’ve seen here.

Maybe I’m too cynical, but I have a tough time believing the Rethugs will pay any kind of significant price in the 2018 mid-terms. They might lose some House seats, but the map for the Senate gives them a heavy advantage. And considering most/all of their supporters don’t have two brain cells to rub together ,

Just means we gotta work harder to give them the ability to “spend more time with their families.”


And we all know this he’ll do anything for $50.

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McConnell Takes Step To Fast-Track O’Care Repeal In The Senate

Yes please proceed Mitch, we’ll start talking single-payer in 2018 and implement it by 2022. Everybody will be better off.

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Yeah, that shit worked in the House… now everyone and their brother is watching, and the Senate only has a 2 vote GOP margin. I’m betting on at least 2 GOP Senators who still want to be employed 18 months from now.


The one thing that still gives me hope at this stage is the possibility (likelihood, even?) that McConnell feels the need to get a bill out of the Senate so that the GOP caucus in that chamber can’t be blamed for any eventual failure to repeal the ACA, but feels vastly less of a need for anything to come out of the subsequent intercameral conference. Indeed, he may even want the conference process to fail, in order to avoid (out of a sense of political self-preservation, not out of any sense of decency, mind you) the humanitarian disaster that actual implementation of the AHCA would cause.

That said, I have the same visceral reaction as yourself to the sociopathic behavior of the Republicans. I honestly cannot recall and do not know whether I was even as consumed with hatred in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 as I am now. Bin Laden’s villainy was at least baked into the cake.


Unless they pass the House version with no changes (which they won’t) the Senate bill will have to be reconciled with the House version – either by the House passing the Senate bill intact, or by coming up with a compromise version that both houses can pass. So we’re a long way from final passage.

I continue to suspect they’ll stall and stall and then finally pass something they can call “repeal” a few months before the 2018 elections, so that they can say they’ve done it, but few if any of the effects will be felt before the 2018 elections. And probably phase in the changes so that many of the worst effects won’t be felt until after 2020. That’s their best chance for placating their Obamacare-repeal-loving base with as little effect to their election chances in 2018 and 2020.


2018 midterms will be a referendum on tRUmp and Russia as much as anything IMO, as there is potential for there to be a trial going on during at least some of the campaign leading up to election day, suspect that won’t play out well for repugs,

that said, I have been super wrong about everything over the last two years