Too bad they weren’t here when W. was President . . . no wait . …
You know you’re in trouble when you have to assure your own people that your own candidate for President won’t be so bad because Constitutional checks and balances will prevent him from doing too much damage.
Is this the system that protected us from President Bush II’s invocation of WMD’s as the grounds for invading Iraq?
This from a guy whose party nominated Donald J. Trump as their presidential candidate…
Except many of those constraints are based on the checks and balances between the three branches and if Trump gets elected we will have lunatic fascists in control of all three.
THIS is exhibit 2,354 this year of a debauched and corrupt MSM. In any other time of history, such a statement from the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate would have merited weeks of journalistic scrutiny (and likely removal of that party’s presidential candidate).
Maybe Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell (for the “both-sides-are-the-same” narrative) can conjure up the Democrats saying that about Barack Obama in 2008.
McConnell’s statement confirms that he is trying to elect a man unfit for the United States Presidency and, moreover, places his party over national security (cause for McConnell’s removal).
…so, if I understand The Turtle he is telling us we can go ahead and elect the incompetent fool Mr. Trump and the system will protect us from his stupidity.
Seems to me a better plan is to not elect the incompetent fool in the first place, I’m just sayin.
McConnell is right - our system will prevent “big mistakes.” Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency in November of 2016.
This should be LOOPED all through the campaign until the night before the election.
Kinda like NOT following the Constitution when a President proposes a SC nominee? Or any of the myriad of BS moves you have pulled in the last 7+ years to avoid doing your JOB??? You can prevent THAT???
Unfortunately, all those constraints built into institutions and the Constitution are powerless when it comes to a black Democratic president, who evidently has managed single-handedly to destroy the country.
McTurtle: System is very successful. It’s doing a marvelous job in preventing Obama from nominating Scalia’s replacement.
Um the fact that you are a Senator and majority leader belies your statement. And let us not forget W the system surely failed to prevent BIG BIG mistakes.
Big mistakes? Like shutting down the government and failing to vet a Supreme Court nominee? What a fool, if he thinks we’re buying it.
Not if Bernie gets his way
Yea like that worked so well during the Dub/Cheney debacle.
Really? You already made a huge mistake allowing the nomination of a dangerous demagogue who is beyond unqualified.
Remember the movie/book The Dead Zone?
Well, what did we expect to hear from a high-ranking member of the GOP, which of course is short for Germanwings 9525 Old Party.