Discussion: McConnell: Deal Dems Cut With Trump 'Not Quite As Good' As Dems Think

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Uh-huh… How’s that CROW taste, Yertle?


Oh, McTurtle, you just keep on spinning…

(eye roll)


Mock Turtle says what?

“Since I was in charge of drafting the debt ceiling provision that we inserted into the flood bill we likely — almost certainly — are not going to have another debt ceiling discussion until well into 2018,” McConnell told the Times.

So the GOP’s next debt ceiling crisis will be taking place during the Republican primaries, or even closer to the next general election? Oh, Senator McConnell, please don’t throw us into that briar patch.


I hope I live long enough to see that smirk permanently wiped off the face of that malignant, anti-American mofo. He has done more to destroy the American ideal than anyone on the political scene today, although President* Lying Littledick is doing his best to catch up.


Gotta look on the bright side when things go wrong, little old ant rubber tree plant, all that. Sometimes all you can say is to warn the other guys not to gloat too much. Like when we said having Trump as President might be a mixed blessing for you. At best. So back atcha, pal.


“Since I was in charge of drafting the debt ceiling provision that we inserted into the flood bill we likely — almost certainly — are not going to have another debt ceiling discussion until well into 2018,” McConnell told the Times.

Unless "well into 2018" is beyond midterms election day there is going to be another vote required to raise the ceiling before people trek to the polls. The reckoning we all read the GOP fears, having to appear responsible and keeping the lights on by authorizing more borrowing, will still confront their candidates and incumbents in the height of the campaign season.

And BTW we’re saving that tape for December when you get rolled again just so we can gloat about your "One Term President "
Silly Turtle


He always makes me nervous. He can say “We won’t give Barrack Obama the chance to fill this SCOTUS seat”, and follow through on that, and suffer no consequences. He really can do what he wants and what he wants is always bad.


Like we say in Goonswarm, “spinning like a tornado.”

we likely — almost certainly — are not going to have another debt ceiling discussion until well into 2018

That’s right, Mitch. Gloat about making sure there’s gonna be another round of this as people are going to the polls for primaries. You should’ve just taken the christmas-time lumps.


Right?! Because arguing over this stuff during a primary battle is far better than arguing over it in December when voters are completely tuned out. Sure, you got the better deal.


sour grapes

used to refer to an attitude in which someone adopts a negative attitude to something because they cannot have it themselves.


I think the Turtle hasn’t seen what kind of social damage, the cray-cray, and Mother nature can do in that amount of time. If I read the “conservative” position correctly then there be a whole host of outrage brewing on when you get the bill to pay for these storms (so far), the bill for the amount of damage Trump is spreading internationally, and the pricking on conscious of the non-Evangelical Christians that don’t belong to Wealth Prosperity cults. Please remember Turtle the fires burning out West that will bring to light problems that you haven’t even thought of.

Just a side thought I wonder if Turtle wishes he only had asshat Cruz to deal with now that he has Trump and maybe Moore? The question will be can the Turtle shell hold?


Well, as I understand what McConnell is saying, is he put in a rider that forces the WH to use “extraordinary measures” in December, and keep using them until sometime in 2018 when they can revisit raising the debt ceiling.

Having the Federal government contract its expenses will NOT make for a Merry Christmas for voters.


Yes, I read that exactly the same way.

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That’s exactly how I understand it. He’s going to push off the debate until next year and he’s pretending that’s some kind of win. It’s not. Not even close.


Shorter Turtle: Trump is fucking with me. And I dont know how to handle it.


You’re losing your touch there, pal.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Just sand those calluses and we won’t care if you don’t shower and shave.

No special legislative language was required to allow the Treasury Secretary to use “extraordinary measures” to prevent a debt ceiling crisis. Treasury Secretaries have done this many times in the past, without McConnell’s magical language. Moreover, as others have noted, creating a debt ceiling crisis closer to the midterms may well backfire on McConnell and the Republicans, as the two big issues are going to be legislating DACA and fully funding Obamacare. The failure (refusal) of Congressional Republicans to handle both these issues so close to the election will hurt them in every swing district in the country.