Discussion: McCarthy Awkwardly Answers Fox News' Questions About The Benghazi 'Gaffe'

Our dear Nancy has asked for the Dem votes. If the GOTP gets crazy spitting at each other, this could get very interesting.

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Well so far heā€™s succeeded in making Boehner look like a present-day Lyndon Johnson.

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I think this would make a great bumper sticker. :slight_smile:

I would like to think you are right, but donā€™t underestimate the power of media to forget what McCarthy admitted by next Monday.

I am beginning to think McCarthy is just too stupid to win the election of his caucus to be the next Speaker. Who else is in the wings?

Never before has Michael Kinsleyā€™s definition of a gaffe been more true: ā€œA gaffe is when a politician tells the truth ā€“ some obvious truth he isnā€™t supposed to say.ā€

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Mā€™lady doth protest too much.

Iā€™m reminded of what Harry Truman said about Richard Nixon: "Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, heā€™d lie just to keep his hand in. ā€

ā€œSuppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself.ā€
ā€• Harry S. Truman

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That doesnā€™t matter. All it takes is for every Democrat who is asked to respond to say that McCarthy admitted this was nothing but a partisan witch hunt and the matter is closed.

They have lied and lied and lied

The Republican party has admitted this is a charade, there is no need to consider any more of their inventions, their lies or their ā€˜new informationā€™ which they leaked anonymously to a reporter known to be willing to serve up any old slop if they can color it as an exclusive.

Anyone peddling this trash any more isnā€™t a reporter, they are part of the RNC election machine. And that works out fine for Fox News and Breitbart. But anyone wanting to actually get their calls returned by a Clinton White House probably doesnā€™t want to be grouped with those folk.

etc. etc.

There are plenty of ways to get the message across.

Heā€™s a blithering idiot.

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He uses the wrong words. He is using sound alike words, ā€œmannersā€ instead of ā€œmattersā€ (I think). He also did it in his written statement I heard earlier in the week. I couldnā€™t understand wtf he was talking about. The dude is just dumb.


I think if we want to get through to Republican voters we need to speak Republicanese. Something like: ā€œKevin McCarthy basically admitated thatā€¦I mean, investigation after investigation, with Republican researchists has conclusively foundered that no one persontage was toā€¦I know Hillary Clinton, and Hillary assured meā€¦Look, does you really estimate that ANY Secretariat of State would would have allown such a Benghazi thing to happen if she couldā€™ve stoppified it? It defies logistics. And furthermuch, democracy. Thank you.ā€


Un-fucking-believable. I canā€™t believe what Ijust heard.

As my representative, Iā€™ve followed Kevā€™s meteoric ascent into the political noosphere with a certain amount of unintended drooling. An utter cipher, Bill Thomasā€™ team dressed him up like a Ken doll, pointed him at the California assembly and to the surprise of the press corps he was floor leader within a year. When Thomas retired in 2006, the Congress job went to Kev along with the K-Street PR writers and lobbyist advisors, and money connections that no new Congressman could dream of. Thomas, even if he was from California, got his biggest donations from Big Pharma, particularly Indianapolis-based Eli Lily, which even supplied Thomas with a lobbyist/mistress when he was writing the Donut Hole. He also got part of the banking lobby almost by accident as they needed to lock in TARP funding. In any case, Kevā€™s biggest backers are ag and oil. That means pushing for unsustainable industry practices regarding water (the Southern San Joaquin overdrafts 10 cubic kilometers of groundwater every year) and Kern County, which accounts for 90% of all fracking permits in California, has the worst air quality in the nation. And with Edwards and China Lake, McCarthy is tied into weapons system development. Unfortunately, the Speaker job may be a bit outside Kevā€™s capabilities as he will have to think on his feet from time to time. Moreover, while certain factions of Americaā€™s oligarchs are thrilled at this complete takedown of a democratic institution, the long-term result may be to bring scrutiny back on them. Then they will rue the day they unleashed the ā€œYoung Gunā€.


Great the next speaker of the house speaks in word salad.

Thatā€™s the GOP for you.

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And in Bakersfield, they say ā€œtaters.ā€

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Wow. I donā€™t watch many FOX news clips. Talk about a ā€œfriendlyā€ interview. So now the GOP base can rest easy because he was raked over the coals and asked some tough questions by a hard-hitting journalist and came out smelling like a rose. Yeah. Right.

This will be the stuff of many, many campaign commercials.

Is it just me or is his entire explanation ā€œI didnā€™t intend to say what I saidā€. He is basically saying ā€œDonā€™t listen to what I said about Benghazi because I was lying at the timeā€. Simply saying you were lying just replaces one scandal with another. Oh and if a party leader would lie about this, what else would they party lie about for political gain. Maybe the longest investigative congressional committee perhaps.

Stick a fork in him folksā€¦